Satanism and Metal

I guess so...

Damn, I miss the days when people just prayed and were done with it. Yeah, I know, there was religious intolerance, and people were sheep, yada yada yada, but it's not like it's that much better now.

Now we have "Smart, New-Age" thinkers who think they're so smart they can deny God and we get to hear about kids getting pulled from schools because they said "Jesus," and suicide bombings every other week.

I think it actually is possible to de-evolve...
If I'm reading that right then that's one of the most sensible things you've said in this post "Nick." It's like the Kilroy affair over here, it was "Political Correctness" over free speech.

What you've said is merely your belief, and possiby that of others, that for everything to have any sort of scale (1 to 10) it has to be compared to something that is 10 or even 11. Many would disagree and put foward the question of why must we compare ourselves to something that many would not believe to exist?

Anyway, I can't help but feel that I may have dragged this thread off of topic, so....
Satanism and metal, it's juts one of those things, just grin and shoulder it. By all means have your own opinion on the matter but there's no need to mope around telling everyone else that you don't like it.
this thread has been off topic for a good 6 pages, don't worry. You didn't get the point of that statement you commented on. It said there that in order to judge things as right or wrong, you need a base 'right' and a base 'wrong'. Otherwise, you have nothing to compare anything to, thus making the comparison that you make totally irrelevant and false. See? You need perameters in order to pass judgment. Who or what would be base for 'perfection'? That would be this ultimate being, whom Christians call 'God'. That's all I was saying, Giles.
Two common philosopical arguments exist that argue in favor of God's existence. I'm referring to the cosmological and teleological arguments. These rely heavily upon traditional casualty. In other words, ex nihilo nihil, or nothing comes from nothing. This is a principle of human sense perception, it's not applicable to that which falls outside of the sensible world. For example, the creation of the universe. Other problems being that though everything in the universe is contingent, there is nothing to indicate that the universe itself must be contingent. Also, the point at which something becomes so improbable that divine intervention must be responsible for it is entirely arbitrary. Say something did create the universe, that thing wasn't necessarily a God, of course.

Any assertion that supposedly supports the existence of god because he cannot be disproven is a poorly disguised ad ignorantium.

I suggest reading Nietzsche if you're interested in learning about the malignance of Christianity. I'm too lazy to explain.

No one carries anti-conformism to its extreme, Nocturnal Sun. Doing so is an impossibility because whatever you do, someone else is doing it, therefore you are "conforming." It's irrelevant anyway.

Free will as it is traditionally described is contradictory. It's hardly free will anymore when a gun(hell) is placed against your temple. Technically, it exists, but practically it does not. More like subjugation.
read Emmanuel Kant. he believed that the true moral authority (God) was ones conscience and it did not owe itself to any sort of divine will. and as far as the whole satan thing goes, i truly believe that a satanist believes in an archetypal or symbolic Satan and uses that as a means for interperation of philosophical thought. positive satanism is a healthy vehicle for philosophical expression, just like any form of spirituality. the individual tends to distance oneself from religion because it is organized and centered around a strict set of rules. that is natural. the mere fact that christianity is so organized and has a strong history of contradictions seems to disgust many people, but one cannot forget that modern society would be non existent without organized religion. i say this because spirituality is a very personal thing that strikes the essence of human nature: to learn and understand the unexplainable, or to just move in a constant progression, whilst society in itself is a manifestation of the human desire for order and stability, but in an impersonal context rather than a personal one that is limited to the individual. so that proves that in some way the political and social structure of a society relates directly to spirituality in that politics is not an exact science, but more of a set of ideals. the same goes for spiritualy. so the two are dependent of each other. and how does this all have to do with metal? well, first off, it all started out with some long hairs with good senses of humor just trying to piss people off. that symbolized the whole point of rock and metal which is to rebel and be yourself. more and more bands started to pick up on the 'evil' image and the goat and pentagram became synonomous with metal. some bands actually practiced a credable form of satanism (emperor, ulver..), but most dont. the are just 'evil' because it is the metal thing to do.
The existence of God will never be proven nor disproven. God can never be observed through empirical evidence so the only tool we have to learn anything about the existence of God is reason. Reason is limited to what the human mind can conceptualize. If God is a spirit and is eternal, which is the only possibility were God to exist then there is no way he/she/it can be observed because 1. by definition spirit has no size and therefore it lacks presence. It could not be observed empirically. 2. In an eternal process or being there can be no "unique event." This leads me to the conclusion that because of this, "God" would not be able to will anything into existence as that would be a "unique event." Furthermore, an eternal being always remains in the same state because if a unique event were to occur it would no longer be considered eternal. Unique events are confined to finite beings and processes. With this in mind, an eternal being would essentially appear as nothing because it is the same at all times.

An eternal being is a being-in-itself (self-sustaining, its own necessary source of existence). A human is a being-for-itself (not its own source of being, is dependent on external factors). The accepted notion of God says that he is eternal and yet has a will and created the physical world. This is a contradiction because it's saying that God is a being-in-itself while at the same time is a being-for-itself, thus giving an eternal being finite qualities. Simply put, that is impossible. A cup cannot, at the same time, be full as well as empty.
High On Maiden said:
^ So where did you paste that from? lol
I didn't paste that from anywhere. I wrote that myself. Actually what I was saying was echoing some of the ideas of the philosopher Jean Paul Sartre. Maybe you should take the time to actually understand what I was trying to say.
*M alificiu M* said:
welkin97: please elaborate on what a "unique event" is.
A unique event is pretty self-explanatory. Maybe I should just call it an "event." There can be no event in an eternal/infinite series. It contradicts reason. I'll explain why although it might still seem unclear.
1. if there were an infinite amount of time it could not be explained why a unique event did not happen before it did.
2. what is infinite is indivisible. An event requires a specific time and place in which it can occur. An event could not take place in an infinite series because there is no specific point where it could occur. No specific time can be pinpointed in infinity because it is indivisible and is without beginning and without end.
Ah har! I have returned from the void......well actually just not being near a computer but hey...

this thread has been off topic for a good 6 pages, don't worry. You didn't get the point of that statement you commented on. It said there that in order to judge things as right or wrong, you need a base 'right' and a base 'wrong'. Otherwise, you have nothing to compare anything to, thus making the comparison that you make totally irrelevant and false. See? You need perameters in order to pass judgment. Who or what would be base for 'perfection'? That would be this ultimate being, whom Christians call 'God'. That's all I was saying, Giles.

Assumptions are dangerous chap, I belive I did understand what I commented on otherwise I wouldn't have commented on it. You don't seem to grasp what I've said about individuals having their own "base right and wrong" or that what you've said will not and does not convince everyone of the existence of "God."

But as has been said before, everyone has their own views/beliefs/ideas/etc etc and that's that.

Nick, do you just have a radioactive lake full of giant catfish nearby?
Something kind of relevant that I wanted to say without making a new thread...

I was reading in a newspaper article today about how a "Satanist" killed his family. A terrible story indeed, but the reason the police decided he was a "devil worshipper" was because at the crime scene there was "a bible opened on a page of the book of revelations and the section talked about the coming of the devil and his number being 666". (approximately - from memory)

That was it.

That was the policeman's entire case for the murderer being a "devil worshipper".