Why the hell isn' there an Emperor board. Just discuss it here then.

Originally posted by dolphz
As an objective opinion, can you really discern Emperor's talent and potential on ITNE from a musicians perspective? I just hate bad production, it's such a hinderance for me. A cd might be an absolute masterpiece, but if the sound is bad I just can't tolerate it.

It takes a few listens, but hell, as far as I'm concerened, the productions ok - at least you can hear the music pretty clearly. It isn't all crystal but its nothing compared to the crappy production on the Darkthronbe I have. Which I rarely listen to as I can't get through the fucking hissing to hear the music :mad:

I agree tho, to me bad production really puts me off a cd, luckily I thoguht ITNE's was pretty ok ;)
I watched Emperial live ceremony today for the first time.
Oh my fucking god!
I am glad I ordered Anthems and Eclipse :)

Now I only have to get The DVD/Cd of Emperial and IX Equilibrium too.
Hmm...as an atmospheric album, ITNE is definitely a masterpiece. IMHO it is exactly the atmosphere that couldn't stand a 'better' or cleaner production. It just wouldn't be Nightside then. So I can't but wonder that production is almost the whole criterion for some people. :confused: ITNE needed its production and just would not have worked if produced in the way eg. Prometheus was. ;)

When I first got ITNE, it was like one of the first BM cd's I got, and I when I first listened to it, I thought it was horrid, it sounded terrible, I couldn't hear everything. But in time, I discovered that it was sposed to sound like this, and the atmosphere this album creates is amazing.
Well to be on a more random note i have a new favorite album.
Dead Can Dance "Spleen And Ideal"
Holy shit i dont know about the rest of you but this album is well perfect. Good cover, great vocals, great arrangements and its so fuckin catchy.
My favorite emperor song is "opus a satana" cuz well i mean "Inno a Satana was good enough right. Well i mean that song now has a place in my heart due to the symphonic note to it.

If you are a classical fanof any kind get this album or if you don't have the money become i dunno a prostitute.

I also got Soilwork's new album "Portrait of A Predator'' Its good but it just didnt strike me like the rest of their albums. Bastard Chain is a pretty cool song i have to admit.
Well it may be like BWP cuz at first i was like this is awesome but wait a second this isnt like opeth it takes awhile to sink in and find a new home. May be one of those first listens i guess unlike spiritchaser which has never left my cd player. well my other one. and is it just me or has it been awhile since a good metal release has come out.