Why women are dumb

In 6th-7th grade, I was friends with a girl who was about as 'pretty' as I was. But she'd do this baby talk thing all the time, freaked out about bugs, didn't understand math, etc, and all the little boys had crushes on her. So being a kid wanting attention I kinda acted dumb when we were around boys and suddenly they were interested in me.

I stopped doing that shit when I switched schools and became a loner who didn'tgiveafuck, but consistently as a youngster I was overlooked by many a boy for girls far less intelligent than I. Not being conceited, just saying. It probably has a lasting effect on many females, who grow into adults thinking men only want dumb women. And unfortunately, they get stuck that way, even if they try to change. There's probably a similar dynamic at play in those men who find a lesser mate attractive in order to internally, and externally, assert their own masculinity.

Just an observation, from someone who actually has these like dumb bouncy balloon things. It's basically already been said but I experienced it first hand.
So the truth is women aren't dumb. They just act dumb in order to make dumb men feel cleverer. Which is pretty clever if you think about it.
I can't stand dumb people regardless of gender. In response to what Carpe_Mortem was saying, last week up until today I was talking to this girl who's basically the epitome of what you described. She's "dumb" to get people to like her, to buy her stuff, basically to get through life easier. Now I realized that in reality, her thinking actually isn't that bad, she has some logic in there, and when I hung out with her I "educated" her on a bunch of stuff, and she caught on pretty quick. Also worth mentioning that girls are obsessed with changing their appearance as well, which this girl is admittedly guilty of. They think they have to plaster a shitload of makeup on their face to impress people... Unfortunately I'm not a simple minded fuck who's ever impressed by someones skill in changing how they look or how they look in general, but the reality is, appearance really is what gets most guys to become interested. All of this shit is just how it works. People are stupid because it's easier, but yeah... I wish more people would try reading stuff, trying to actually learn enough to have a steady intellectual conversation and impress people in far more significant ways than attractiveness will ever accomplish. It definitely does have a lasting effect, just like religious indoctrination has a lasting effect on people.
I try not to sound like someone who hates their own gender... But perfect example of why I hate my own gender sometimes:

Met this chick at a few parties, she's always going on about being a gamer and shit and liking the retro stuff. So we make plans to hang out because I'm all pumped as fuck to bring my genesis by and have a girls day of Sega and smoothies and maybe she has some cool stuff too.

She sucks at every game we play and owns a single Nintendo DS. On top of that, she took a picture of MY console, with MY Beavis and Butthead game, then posted it on Facebook acting like it was hers and knew it existed before I came over. Kinda pissed me off because she disappointed me with her sober, game-lacking company in the first place. And that's not the only time a chick has piggy backed off my male-dominated hobbies for attention.

The struggle is real. Even other women are tricked by female's mastery of deception.
My stuff.


I was a smart kid and kept that shit in working order since childhood. Still works. I still keep it maintained.

Mine. You lick that cunt's cooter.
There was a MILF in the neighborhood in white lady pants bending over, pulling weeds from her front lawn today. I love older women.
I try not to sound like someone who hates their own gender... But perfect example of why I hate my own gender sometimes:

Met this chick at a few parties, she's always going on about being a gamer and shit and liking the retro stuff. So we make plans to hang out because I'm all pumped as fuck to bring my genesis by and have a girls day of Sega and smoothies and maybe she has some cool stuff too.

She sucks at every game we play and owns a single Nintendo DS. On top of that, she took a picture of MY console, with MY Beavis and Butthead game, then posted it on Facebook acting like it was hers and knew it existed before I came over. Kinda pissed me off because she disappointed me with her sober, game-lacking company in the first place. And that's not the only time a chick has piggy backed off my male-dominated hobbies for attention.

The struggle is real. Even other women are tricked by female's mastery of deception.

This is actually a pretty fucking serious offense. I would have demanded to be tagged in that picture and given credit. What a cunt.
Does she have a YouTube channel? I'm not asking for it, just sayin she sounds like the type that absolutely lives for the attention of any thirsty men she can get to lavish her with it online.
There was a MILF in the neighborhood in white lady pants bending over, pulling weeds from her front lawn today. I love older women.


Every age bracket has their advantages (expect seniors lol)
Not most of them, and even if they do have money most are gross. Anything over 70 is a no go, and only about 5% of women in their 60s are bangable, let alone good looking.