Why You Do This

Aug 14, 2008

This is a documentary from the singer of a math/grind band called Car Bomb about the horrors of touring. If you have an hour to kill, I suggest checking it out. Of note, one of the tours that is the focus of the documentary features Last Chance To Reason, a prog metal band which is gaining quite alot of hype and success as of late. Originally they sounded mathier, but now they are a full on prog metal band with clean vocals. Now they have the same management as Killswitch Engage and are signed to Prosthetic Records (Lamb Of God, Gojira, Animals As Leaders, etc). Take from that what you will.

Oh and I think this goes without saying, but not really work-safe...
I was thinking of documenting our upcoming "tour", but I'm not sure how many people would be interested in watching 3 dudes and a chick drive eachother crazy for 8 days.
Because you are behind their success, as well as the success of countless other bands and should be working at Roadrunner. 100% srs.
I enjoyed that song by Last Chance to Reason. The thought struck me, though, that there is a difference between the "prog metal" of a band like Circus Maximus or Pagan's Mind and that of a band like LCtR. I almost think the latter takes a metalcore approach to prog metal where the former are influenced by more classic sounds like Fates Warning and Dream Theater, and also Symphony X who have been around quite a while now.

So I'd put in Into Eternity and definitely Between the Buried and Me and Animals as Leaders in the same category.

The instrumentation is very very good. I can definitely hear a more modern leaning toward metalcore breakdowns without being overly gratuitous about it (which is when I get annoyed). The clean vocal approach, though, is the most telling sign. The singer is not "belting it out" metal-style like an Alder or Allen. Rather, it's more restrained, and a little young-sounding...almost like a pop punk singer. And that's not really an insult because there are some pop punk bands that are quite good...it's just that's what I hear in his voice. It's a little more delicate than a gruff metal approach to singing.
I love the music in the 2nd prog metal video, but the growling vocals just ruin it for me...Why?????
Why have a growler when you have awesome guitar, awesome bass, awesome drums....That quality musicianship deserves an awesome vocalist, not a cookie monster that sounds like every other cookie monster....Why??? Cookie monster vocalists sounds great in death metal and and on some beauty and beast music, but it just seems way out of place here....
The music is absolutely awesome though..........
I love the music in the 2nd prog metal video, but the growling vocals just ruin it for me...Why?????
Why have a growler when you have awesome guitar, awesome bass, awesome drums....That quality musicianship deserves an awesome vocalist, not a cookie monster that sounds like every other cookie monster....Why??? Cookie monster vocalists sounds great in death metal and and on some beauty and beast music, but it just seems way out of place here....
The music is absolutely awesome though..........

The vocalist is awesome, and definitely is not out of place, suits the music perfectly. There is absoutley nothing I would change with LCTR
Guys can we please discuss the documentary and not LCTR? My point was that it's worth noting that they (a band relevant in this community) achieved some level of intermediate success since that tour with Car Bomb in 2007. But the real topic at hand is the doc itself.
I see nothing different here than the countless other bands from the past 40 years who were "paying their dues."

It is a damn good life experience though that no money can buy.
It is a damn good life experience though that no money can buy.

Well money DOES buy that experience hahahahaha

but yes. Why tour, because its freaking fun. especially when you can 'tolerate' no sleep or some bad hygiene every other day. Going out into the great unknown to play and bring people the music you love!!!
After 15 years in and out of small time touring acts, I can with all sincerity say, that money DOES buy the experience, and that there is no such thing as a free tour. hehe You wouldn't believe the shitholes I had to "pay to play" in, ahh the memories..................