Why do people do this?

Except for Rush, who always manage to make it sound good, if it is the keyboard-heavy 80s stuff or the more stripped down and raw 90s stuff. But, the point there is at the heart of it all, it is still Rush.

I think the point is that while you change with the times, you shouldn't lose your identity as a band. Some bands have changed their name over this issue sometimes, because the name has turned into a brand and there is a certain expectation.

I still can't honestly figure out how people still like Rush after all these years! Rush died with Permanent Waves, Moving Pictures being their "Metallica-black album". Everything else is just so damned awful!
here is my take on it.

1) Bands don't care about fans who don't like their music. for example, i don't care that people on the board don't like band and sometimes talk shit on it. BECAUSE of the simple fact we have fans that DO enjoy our music and we make it for them not the people who don't like it. do we lose fans along the way, sure, but we gain new ones too.

2) Sadly enough, the internet has somehow given people a sense of entitlement that their opinions really matter when in the long run they really don't because no one really cares what most people have to say - facebook news feeds for example and especially random people on message boards. Somehow all of sudden people are experts about mixes of albums having never been in a studio themselves and mixed an album, they can complain about tones never having been an engineer, etc etc. Basically the internet gives every idiot a voice and worse yet somehow gave them the ability to believe they are better than everyone at doing something. i have been mixing albums for years and it's not an easy thing.

3) Don't like the music the band is making? go make some yourself and see how hard it us or better yet put it up on the internet for all of your friends and peers to critique and see how it feels.

I still can't honestly figure out how people still like Rush after all these years! Rush died with Permanent Waves, Moving Pictures being their "Metallica-black album". Everything else is just so damned awful!

That's the funny thing about Rush fans is that you'd never get them to agree on what is the best Rush, since you get a bunch of "this era was crap while this was the best". For example, for my best friend, Rush started to be Rush with Moving Pictures and his favorite stuff is the 80s keyboard heavy stuff.

Personally, I think it is all good.
Oh come on man, I can't believe people still seriously use this argument.

it's more appropriate now than it ever was before because of all the "armchair quarterbacks" who think they can do something better than the actual person who did it. the "it" being whatever you want to apply; playing drums, recording an album, driving a race car, playing on a pro sports team, etc.

like for instance people can sit and bitch about this fest and the bands chosen but until you have put together a fest yourself, your opinion in all reality is kind of moot to the person you are giving it too. i know i don't really listen to people much unless they have walked the same or similar road as myself, because EVERYONE has an opinion but not everyone has experience to speak accurately on every subject matter. like would i listen to anyone giving me advice on running a record label unless they themselves had run a record label or a successful independent business? probably not. but again, that's just me.
it's more appropriate now than it ever was before because of all the "armchair quarterbacks" who think they can do something better than the actual person who did it. the "it" being whatever you want to apply; playing drums, recording an album, driving a race car, playing on a pro sports team, etc.

like for instance people can sit and bitch about this fest and the bands chosen but until you have put together a fest yourself, your opinion in all reality is kind of moot to the person you are giving it too. i know i don't really listen to people much unless they have walked the same or similar road as myself, because EVERYONE has an opinion but not everyone has experience to speak accurately on every subject matter. like would i listen to anyone giving me advice on running a record label unless they themselves had run a record label or a successful independent business? probably not. but again, that's just me.

I gotta agree and disagree with this post. Sorry, but I don't buy the "if you complain about the band, you should try and play it" argument. That's bogus. This is music. It's supposed to be judged and you either like it or you don't. End of story.

Now, in terms of people judging the fest who haven't put it together, I will agree with you.
I gotta agree and disagree with this post. Sorry, but I don't buy the "if you complain about the band, you should try and play it" argument. That's bogus. This is music. It's supposed to be judged and you either like it or you don't. End of story.

Now, in terms of people judging the fest who haven't put it together, I will agree with you.

i wasn't actually saying for someone to play the actual thing they were complaining about, i was merely saying to be overly critical of art when you aren't an artist yourself, etc.

also, i guess i am referencing the degree of degradation i read in posts (mine included) where people act as if they're knowledgeable about a subject that they truly are not skilled in one bit. that's all. everyone has an opinion, but not everyone has an educated opinion. :)
How many Soundgarden/Chris Cornell fans do you think sent out this letter when he threw his hat in the pop ring by doing a dance song/album that featured Timbaland...that song was so bad I wont even post it. Anybody care to hear it it's called Part of Me and was part of a disastrous album called Scream.
i wasn't actually saying for someone to play the actual thing they were complaining about, i was merely saying to be overly critical of art when you aren't an artist yourself, etc.
Not really interested in jumping in on this topic and subsequent debates, but I disagree with you here. Art is subject to people's taste whether they're an artist or not and everyone has as much a right to criticize as other artists. To me, saying they shouldn't is like saying you shouldn't criticized politicians unless you are one, you shouldn't criticize the food if you're not a chef, or you can't say it's a bad movie if you never made one. Just my totally unsolicited two cents. :cool:

Oh, and for one more totally useless opinion, if I were to make a topic "Why do people do this?" It would be about people making threads with titles that don't indicate what they are about. Sorry, nailz, but that kind of irritates me.
I'm 43 years old and a typical 80's metal child (i.e. Motley Crue, Ratt, Metallica, Megadeth, et al.), and so while the 80's have helped set the tone for my musical pleasures, I'm not tied to the 80's like so many others are. People get caught up in their generation of music they forget there's a lot of new and good music still out there (Eddie Trunk is a perfect of this). It absolutely kills me there aren't any good metal stations in East TN. Thank God for EpicRockRadio.

You often hear how Iron Maiden (prime example) nevers plays enough "old stuff" at their concerts. Why the hell should they? They've been playing it for 30 years. I appreciate their new albums. No, it's the same as the old, but I didn't expect it to be.

All bands change or slightly change somewhat. Queensryche for the worst. Thank you for Mindcrime, please take back American Soldier.
it's more appropriate now than it ever was before because of all the "armchair quarterbacks" who think they can do something better than the actual person who did it. the "it" being whatever you want to apply; playing drums, recording an album, driving a race car, playing on a pro sports team, etc.

like for instance people can sit and bitch about this fest and the bands chosen but until you have put together a fest yourself, your opinion in all reality is kind of moot to the person you are giving it too. i know i don't really listen to people much unless they have walked the same or similar road as myself, because EVERYONE has an opinion but not everyone has experience to speak accurately on every subject matter. like would i listen to anyone giving me advice on running a record label unless they themselves had run a record label or a successful independent business? probably not. but again, that's just me.

Easy retort: Everyone's a critic, get over it. If you don't like an opinion, you are entitled to have an opinion about that opinion, but being able to play a guitar doesn't naturally mean that said guitar player has better taste than someone who doesn't, or that having skill makes on immune to criticism from those that don't. You don't have to be a sound engineer or even an audiophile to be able to make a comment like "the vocals are too far forward in the mix", or "There is no dynamic range whatsoever on this recording". Some people are okay with these things, but deflecting all criticism simply because you don't perceive the critic as "walking the walk" is a bit silly, if you ask me. Laymen can often have some reasonably insightful and valuable criticism.

Of course that absolutely never stops anyone from being a total asshole about it. We've all seen some pretty goddamn harsh and unwarranted -attacks- on artists here, and am guilty of a few myself. If a critic can't be civil about it, I think it's pretty safe to disregard anything tehy might have to say, because if they've coppin' an attitude about it, they can go sit n' spin.

And on the other hand, I don't feel that the artists "owes" the consumer jack shit. Most of the really good bands out there play what they want to play, how they want to play it, and balls to the naysayers. Some really bad bands do this too. If "fans' don't like it, that's just too damn bad for them.