wicka slim-jim

The Emptier

t3h b3aSt0rZ
Oct 28, 2006
Columbus, OH/Bay Area, CA
yes that's right, i'm playing my school talent show tomorrow!!! I'm really excitied. im playin an instrumental peice that i wrote titled "when hell freezes over" but i can't play the whole thing, so i have to cut it down to 4 minutes :( aww well. i know ill be appreciated because last year i played a peice that i wrote, and everyone was chanting my name :0. and also the school dance is tomorrow, and i'm asking out this one chick. so it should be a kickass day! (unless she says no....)

and dont worry, i wont "triple pwn" myself
1. Act like malmsteen cause everyone is like "ZOMG HE ARE GUITAR PLAY!!#!~! VERY GOOD!!@>!@"
2. Stick it up that girl's pooper.
3. ???
4. PROFIT!!!

Wait a minute, this seems familiar..
yes that's right, i'm playing my school talent show tomorrow!!! I'm really excitied. im playin an instrumental peice that i wrote titled "when hell freezes over" but i can't play the whole thing, so i have to cut it down to 4 minutes :( aww well. i know ill be appreciated because last year i played a peice that i wrote, and everyone was chanting my name :0. and also the school dance is tomorrow, and i'm asking out this one chick. so it should be a kickass day! (unless she says no....)

and dont worry, i wont "triple pwn" myself
Tight Leather or Spandex pants are a plus, and when wearing either one, baby powder is your friend.
And don't forget to do your 80's kicks.
But 80's Hair Metal style bright lime-green/hot pink Tiger-strype Spandex are badass.
eh.....talent show went pretty good, good reaction from the crowd. i had to fucking stop becase my pedal got on the wrong setting :/. other then that i worked it. i danced a shit load at ma dance, but that chicks little girl group pushed me into a corner and said that she only wanted to stay friends and that she didn't want a boyfriend now. lol, id rather not have bullshit handed in my face, but whatever. i still got hooked up with her and we did some sllllooooowww dancin. i fell right asleep, i was so fucking tired