Wii, PS3 or Xbox 360?

Wii, PS3 or Xbox 360?

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I say Wii, because graphics can only go so far. Gameplay is all that matters to me now.
Well, I'd go with PS3 since i liked the PS2, and I've never had an Xbox or any nintendo consoles. However, at the moment its either hard to get or extremely expensive, so failing that, Wii
The Wii is still the most saught after console. There are a bunch of PS3's here, but when I finally got a Wii, I had to stand in line with all the old people at a Zellers on uh.. the 29th of December... and they only had 4. All of which were sold within the first 5 minutes of the store opening.

Now try getting any of the accessories. Or another controller. Holy fuck. Thats even harder.
ive never played the wii but ive played the 360 (own it) and ive played the ps3.

ps3 basically ripped off 360 by taking every feature it had and adding on a couple others. but the graphics of 360 beat ps3. the graphics of ps3 are shiney where 360 is blended very well and looks more realistic.
All of them are shit in my humble opinion. I'm not bashing the systems themselves, just the games. 360 has Oblivion which was a huge regression from Morrowind, Wii has the new Zelda, other then that I have no desire to play any of them.
ps3 basically ripped off 360 by taking every feature it had and adding on a couple others. but the graphics of 360 beat ps3. the graphics of ps3 are shiney where 360 is blended very well and looks more realistic.

imo the xbox ripped off other consoles by being a console and not something else

your comparisons are ridiculous
Doesn't matter. Soon i'll have all 3.

I just bought a ps3 4 days ago. Resistance is a fucking MONSTER of a game.
ps3 has higher poly count but xbox is capable of better textures, which textures is what counts because high polies will look like glossy boxes. It's easier to develop for xbox360 so that means better ports and games. i heard the games are taking up 5 gigs right now to save on the ps3, can you say crap. The multi processors can work independently on the 360 but not the ps3, which means smarter ai. sure the ps3 has the mgs4 and dmc4 and even gow3 but it's not worth buying a system that is no were near as good as xbox360 plus the xbox has it's own games. and I heard konami are prolly gonna release mgs4 on the 360 because not enough people will have the ps3. I loved my ps2 and xbox was meh but this time is definitely the other way around. don't waste your money on a expensive doorstopper. sony gives two shits about the gamers themselves, they constantly release system that will shit out within months(sure xbox does it too but no where near as bad as sony is doing with the ps3) and look as the psp they fucked the people who payed the high price to buy one of those and pretty much gave up on the thing. Go to best buy they freeze every 15 minutes. anyone with half a braincell can see a 360(which is better in my humble opinion alone) plus the wii(which is a fun little system and has zelda) for the same price as a ps3 is the only way to go.