Will soon change website, advices welcome

if you know some php you can create a master page which is gonna be your head menu, and a content page to show html content under the head menu.

I wouldn't go that way just because the risks of leaving security holes. And you can achieve the same results with HTML5 and CSS.
I created a website that achieved the mark of 50K users registered. It was PHP. Man, I wish it wasn't at the time. Too many hacker attacks. (I deactivated the site upon the rise of youtube. There was no need to download video anymore).
I'm not saying that you will have 0 risks with HTML5 and CSS, though. But they might be less than using php.

I disagree. You should make the website with HTML5 and CSS, and one of the most important things is the "auto fit" for any resolution screens. (I work with webdesign for 6 yeats now, and there still exists some people with 800X600 resolution);

Popups are not good also. Some people tend to have those bars included with some freeware, and they blocks popups in a inefficient way;

Also sugest to get rid of anything flash related;

Create a version of the website for mobile;

I think that the 1 collum like it is now is great. And the fact that it wont reload the whole webpage too. But you have to envolve from flash to css and html5, so it will be ocmpatible with everything.


I pretty much agree with all of this. I'd bump the resolution up a bit though. Most of my stuff is at 1024 wide now.

Screw doing a hand coded site use wordpress. All my new sites are Wordpress. The clients love it. I love it. Win.
I pretty much agree with all of this. I'd bump the resolution up a bit though. Most of my stuff is at 1024 wide now.

Screw doing a hand coded site use wordpress. All my new sites are Wordpress. The clients love it. I love it. Win.

If you were my client Brett, Wordpress without a doubt mate!
I like your site a lot, though it might be on the narrow side and the player is a bit too small, imo. That's one of the updates I did to my site - I like to be able to see a bigger list of songs/styles/bands instead of having to scroll through everything:

Make use of HTML5 and CSS3, Get rid of everything 'Flash', also use jQuery for dynamic content. Easier implementation. Bump the resolution and please, increase the font size.The price tag idea is really nice, saves you spam mail. As fenixdoido said, make a mobile website, loads of people these days access websites from iPhone/iPad. No pop-ups, they are typically useless. Everyone uses pop-up blockers now. And i don't know if you know this or not, if i click on a link in Mozilla Firefox, it opens in a new tab, surely not good. Otherwise, the site is pretty cool.

P.S. My First post. Been a lurker for around a year.
Oh and maybe add an icon for your site (save a 16x16 image as "favicon.ico" and upload it where your site is).
Yup, get rid of Flash. Also, maybe change the pics on the top banner ;)

The price tag idea is good. Although I've been a bit wary about it before, I'm thinking doing it myself. The amount of "Whoa, that much? We were prepared to pay a hundred bucks tops, no idea mixing is that expensive!" emails I get is absurd.
Thank you all, all your inputs are really very helpful!

I might keep my javascript dynamic coding actually, as it seems that Google sees and references it. For instance if I search on Google for "site:towerstudio.net kalisia" I get results for the dynamic content and even from the flash mp3 player. Will save me a lot of work in fact.

I never noticed the Mozilla Firefox behavior you're describing Shadow Whip, that is weird!

Also, what differences should there be for a mobile website? Besides the flash issue, I find most "normal" websites to be easily browsable with iPhone / iPad.
Also, WordPress is a good way to go. You can get a lot out of it in less amount of time. Hope my .02 helps :)
Really? Didn't open in a new tab for you? Maybe my Mozilla is out-dated or it's possible my computer is playing tricks on me again. Anyway, a mobile website is say, like i click your website from a mobile, it routes me to a 'lite' version of ur website, something like m.towerstudio.net or something. So say, if i have a crappie mobile device it loads the 'lite' version, which puts less strain on my mobiles system resources. But that is totally up to you. People seeking business will surely access it from a computer or a high end smartphone or something.
I wouldn't go that way just because the risks of leaving security holes. And you can achieve the same results with HTML5 and CSS.
I created a website that achieved the mark of 50K users registered. It was PHP. Man, I wish it wasn't at the time. Too many hacker attacks. (I deactivated the site upon the rise of youtube. There was no need to download video anymore).
I'm not saying that you will have 0 risks with HTML5 and CSS, though. But they might be less than using php.


Please can you explain why php and master page has security holes?
Please can you explain why php and master page has security holes?
Simple. You have to ensure all queries are completly correct and 'closed'.
Once i got an attack that someone used the simple mainpage.php?querry= to download a crappy to my server. He used the pipeline attack (just put a "|" and directed it to his wweb with malicious code) It happened just because i didn't write on my code to refuse pipe commands.

The last attack i received was "?_CONFIG=Array" type.

If you are going to stick with php it's better to use Wordpress, as its development is better than self development, with more tests.
Acctually, i HIGHLY SUGGEST Brett to use Wordpress. Simple, clean, and has loads of great templates on the web, for cheap.