Will The Next Wintersun CD Be Pushed Back...AGAIN???

Besides, bands like Blind Guardian and the previously mentioned Queen, along with numerous others, have already done it. I don't feel pressured to list every song that has tons of vocal or musical tracks overdubbed, since you can go look up articles on the subject yourself. ;)

Like I said earlier, the amount of audio tracks isn't impressive, and it's not like Wintersun is the first band to use so many, so I don't know why people find it impressive.
Dodens: Yes, obviously, and go fuck yourself. He had to push it back because of production issues resulting from the absurd number of tracks. I'm not any more enthusiastic about getting it than I would be if I just knew it was a new Wintersun album, and I hardly think being curious as to the necessity of so many tracks constitutes a major character flaw. Breath into a paper bag and repeat to yourself "I am not a superior form of life."
Dodens: Yes, obviously, and go fuck yourself. He had to push it back because of production issues resulting from the absurd number of tracks. I'm not any more enthusiastic about getting it than I would be if I just knew it was a new Wintersun album, and I hardly think being curious as to the necessity of so many tracks constitutes a major character flaw. Breath into a paper bag and repeat to yourself "I am not a superior form of life."

These posts suggest that you're rather impressed with the whole idea and think it's a big deal.

Could you point me to some? Because I'm pretty certain there aren't.

you sure about that? sounds to me like maybe 50 tracks at most.

yeah, alright.
now can you find another?
Well those kinda just sound like he's pressing her because he's calling shenanigans, not necessarily that he is impressed with the idea of Jari using that many tracks.
Another good one is Great in the Small by Current 93, which is one long track made by Current 93 from pieces of every Current 93 track recorded prior to its creation.
I respect Jari's decision to try and come out with something grand, something that is pushing the boundries of music, something unique and awesome. Im tired of bands coming out with these wimpy little 40 minute makeovers albums, they make me feel so ripped off. I want to hear something that has been worked on, not hurried to finish because of a deadline or because the band has run dry of somewhat original ideas. Bring on the epic metal...

It's not the bands fault the album is delayed, it was the junk computer they had that crashed,they basically lost the whole album and had to start over again from scratch. The computer could not hold all the files from the insaneness of this.
I'm very excited for this, but I'm nervous that Jari's reach might exceed his gain. There is so much hype about this album now, it has just as much potential to crash and burn as it does to be incredible.
Omni: not familiar with the song, but from your description it sounds like a lot of consecutive sound clips, which would not necessarily all be on different tracks.

I'm very excited for this, but I'm nervous that Jari's reach might exceed his gain.
Even worse, what if his reach exceeds his grasp?!!
Omni: not familiar with the song, but from your description it sounds like a lot of consecutive sound clips, which would not necessarily all be on different tracks.

What cave do you live in? :lol: That's Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody... and yes, the vocal tracks count alone is very high.
Irrelevant. I'm not denying that Jari is a very consistent songwriter. What I'm saying is that this album has become so hyped up that it may very well fall far short of most people's expectations. I don't know about anyone else, but for all the time that's been put into this (on Jari's part and his fans) I'm expecting one killer, epic, apocalyptic fucking album.
Irrelevant. I'm not denying that Jari is a very consistent songwriter. What I'm saying is that this album has become so hyped up that it may very well fall far short of most people's expectations. I don't know about anyone else, but for all the time that's been put into this (on Jari's part and his fans) I'm expecting one killer, epic, apocalyptic fucking album.

Sure it will be for the open minded. The record label already cummed their pants over it, thats why Nuclear Blast bought them a high tech computer to finish the album with. Jari can realize his vision now.
I feel really sorry for everybody who's getting worked up about this because they're all gonna be disappointed regardless of what the album sounds like, unless it's somehow the most jizztastic 74 minutes of pure metal madness ever created. Which it isn't.
Omni: not familiar with the song, but from your description it sounds like a lot of consecutive sound clips, which would not necessarily all be on different tracks.

Where the hell does it say each song with feature 200 different audio tracks on different channels? Oh, that's right, it just says he recorded 200 audio tracks for each song, and I guarantee they won't all be on different channels. Learn how things are recorded and assembled into songs, please.

I'm just waiting on omni to google another song to support his opinion.

I don't need to Google songs to support my opinion, because what I stated is actually a fact, and overdubbing hundreds of audio tracks onto a single piece has been done for over 30 years by various different artists. If you need proof, you look it up. Unfortunately, this can not even be remotely described as an opinion. My advice is to look up "overdubbing" on Wikipedia and other information resources. ;)

By the way, my name is Jennifer.