Will The Next Wintersun CD Be Pushed Back...AGAIN???

You serious?
I happen to know a few things about this stuff. Iirc they stopped using Protools because it limits the number of tracks (not channels genius) you can have. Now, having used protools a fair bit I know that it's perfectly possible to use a track for multiple things as long as they're not simultaneous, the only reason they'd need to switch is because they have a shitton of stuff going on simultaneously.
I hate to tell you, but audio channels are what determine where things are placed in an audio recording. The fact that he's recorded so many individual tracks for each song merely means that each channel will feature many tracks layered onto each other, much like the Current 93 I mentioned earlier. If he used 200 individual audio channels each featuring a different audio track, not only would most speakers not be able to play it properly, but it would also be almost completely unlistenable due to the fact that everything would be mashed together since there wouldn't be any space between anything.

Once again, try knowing what you're talking about please.
If you continue to tell me I'm wrong, which I'm definitely not anyway, I'll just download it and listen to it when it comes out so that I can make fun of how wrong you were about this when you praise the album like I know you're going to.
That's irrelevant. Completely fucking irrelevant. The POINT is that there are 200 tracks. This is a lot. That is all.

EDIT: Um...that's nice. You can tell me how wrong I am about...what, exactly? There being 200 tracks? I bet you'd do that, too. You and Dodens would listen to it together and count every fucking track so you could come out and say "look there's only 198 you're all fucking morons"
There are 200 audio tracks that were created for this album. Since they most definitely won't all be on individual stereo channels, the way they'll be layered onto each other is comparable to the song I mentioned by Current 93, which contains the individual audio tracks from every single Current 93 song from the band's start in the 1980's to the year 2000, which number in the hundreds, all manipulated and layered onto a few different stereo channels.

So, if you say it isn't comparable, you're wrong. He isn't doing anything that other bands haven't done in terms of the way the album will be assembled from many audio tracks.
You and Dodens would listen to it together and count every fucking track so you could come out and say "look there's only 198 you're all fucking morons"

By the way, this is retarded and you should probably stop posting such idiotic things when people highlight the fact that you don't know what you're talking about after you prove it repeatedly.

I'm done posting here, since nobody will prove me wrong on this and I really don't care about this band enough to continue.
My point about the Current 93 song is that rather than being all at once they're (or at least I assume based on your description) spaced out with only a few going at a time.
EDIT: and again you prove you're a colossal bitch.
And also wrong in this instance, I have some experience with recording and I fail to see where I proved I don't know what I'm talking about considering that this argument has consisted of you claiming I'm wrong and then making some inane point about channels that has no bearing on the actual topic at hand.
I don't care if the album has 12,000,000,000,000 tracks, that doesn't automatically mean it will be a good album. We will all just have to wait to see what this album sounds like. Nobody needs to get their panties in a bunch waiting for an album though. It will come. In the meantime there's plenty of stuff we're all foreign to that we can listen to which will be equally as good, & even better.
I feel really sorry for everybody who's getting worked up about this because they're all gonna be disappointed regardless of what the album sounds like, unless it's somehow the most jizztastic 74 minutes of pure metal madness ever created. Which it isn't.

Nah, I'm not expecting it to be the most jizztastic 74 minutes of pure metal madness ever created. But I have faith that it's gonna be a fucking good album; and those are expectations which Jari should have no trouble meeting.
Interesting argument in this thread. Personally, I cant wait for the new album, the last one was awsome.
I feel really sorry for everybody who's getting worked up about this because they're all gonna be disappointed regardless of what the album sounds like, unless it's somehow the most jizztastic 74 minutes of pure metal madness ever created. Which it isn't.

it will kick ass, have some faith, haven't you heard the first Wintersun album it was damn good. If this album is not impressive you can call me axle rose.
Wintersun is my favorite band of all time so it better not suck

I have VERY high expectations. I'd rather them tour the US first thought but that's not gonna happen
They're your favorite of all time based on a single album?
So basically that's your favorite album ever?
By the way, this is retarded and you should probably stop posting such idiotic things when people highlight the fact that you don't know what you're talking about after you prove it repeatedly.

You're the only one saying he doesn't know what he's talking about though.

it will kick ass, have some faith, haven't you heard the first Wintersun album it was damn good. If this album is not impressive you can call me axle rose.

You think he's named after a car part?

They're your favorite of all time based on a single album?
So basically that's your favorite album ever?

Of course the accusation "you don't know what you're talking about" is pretty vague here. I still maintain that it's at least very rare to have anything approaching 200 tracks simultaneously. Of course, the limited amount of information available about the nature of the album's production makes discussion difficult, but I like to think that Omni has failed to demonstrate that there are in fact "lots" of songs with 200 tracks and that it's nothing special.
Really? I'm pretty sure that's how arguments work. Consensus and plurality of opinion doesn't determine which facts are right.