Will The Next Wintersun CD Be Pushed Back...AGAIN???

Oct 26, 2002
After the debut album from Wintersun blew me away, I wanted more. And I've been waiting for the new album eagerly.

And waiting.

And waiting...

They've been pushing the release date alot. And it was supposed to come out later this year, but now will be released early next year. If I'm lucky.

I don't know what they're waiting for, but I really do hope this album is as good as the first. If so, Wintersun will rule for a long time.

And on a side note...I apologize to everyone from these boards about my current threads promoting my crap and having nothing to do with metal discussion. I really do enjoy UltimateMetal and you are all cool in my book. Sorry.
I'm not huge on them, some of that first album kind of rubbed me the wrong way in it's embrace of literally everything that is 'modern' and yet still 'real' metal (the kind of thing usually eaten up by kids who know Bodom, Into Eternity, Dragonlord, and In Flames, but not Judas Priest), but some songs were undeniably great. I'll check out the new one when/if it comes out...
It has the potential to be more awesome than the debut. Let them take whatever time is neccessary.
Jari's vocals were excellent on the debut, i hope he can still sing by the time this gets released
I enjoyed the debut. It wasn't amazing beyond belief the way some people feel, but I enjoyed it. It looks like this will be solid. I'm mostly curious as to how the fuck they're using 200 tracks...
It has the potential to be more awesome than the debut. Let them take whatever time is neccessary.

A lot of stuff has the potential to be better than their debut. Their debut is just less-than-stellar epic power melodic death stuff. It's one of the weaker genres IMO.
Where did you hear this?

It´s been the most difficult record to make in my life. The album is very huge, I don´t know if it´s gonna fit even in the 74 minutes of a CD. The track count is very high, about 200 tracks per song. So it´s almost like two albums in one (or three Slayer albums :p). But I´m gonna finish this, no matter what.

It's from their official homepage. This complexity is supposedly partially responsible for the constant delays, there's also the matter of some equipment breaking. Anyway, this is why I believe this has such potential.