Will there be a jewel case version of the new UNMOORED?

this means you don't like Digipacks ? it's a pity because 95% of our releases are printed on digipacks, which is like 2-3 times more expensive compared to a simple jewel case. We believe that a special packaging can help to fight piracy...
Emi said:
this means you don't like Digipacks ? it's a pity because 95% of our releases are printed on digipacks, which is like 2-3 times more expensive compared to a simple jewel case. We believe that a special packaging can help to fight piracy...
And I agree.. Plus I really like the code666 digipacks, especially seeing they have always had so much trouble paid to their design. I'd far rather buy one of your six-panel digipacks than a jewel case release :)
Personally (And I know that many feels the same) I fucking hate digipacks, maybe with an exception for releases (Like the last two Negurã Bunget) where something special has been made exept for the annoying standard crap.
Well, digipacks sure are annoying for people who have so many cds they just throw away the jewel-cases and archivate their booklets and cds in plastic sleeves...
Plus, in the hands of careless people, a digipack can turn to digicrap in no time :p
I'm not one of those guys... Just go on with the fantastic Code666 items!!! :)
in my opinion, that "digi-crap syndrome" is an added value to a digipack edition.

I love when a digipack is old and ruined, it seems more precious, more unique, more special... like with the old vinyl, after some time you must be careful and keep a special eye for it...

nowadays the music seems a fast-food thing, to be consumed in the fastest way possible, not too hard to digest, and possibily for free...

well, our goal, besides trying to produce good, everlasting music, is to teach people that music is not a BigMac, not only a "product", and it's not free... it's ART.

and if you take one entire day to go to the Louvre to see the Gioconda, and it's ok for you to pay 20 euro to enter the Museum, you should start think about Music in the same way... if not, this music will die very shortly, and we will loose one of the most beautiful and emotional things in our lives.
Sure, I'd love to see the Gioconda with a few scratches and bruises :D
Well, usually I try to preserve my cds in a satisfactory state as long as possible, but I totally agree with your point of music being an exclusive thing that should not be regarded as a commonplace "service" you can access and disconnect at your command and without any personal investment.
The "ruin"-thing applies to my Canaan "Brand new Babylon" digisleeve though, it has been squeezed and squeezed over again so many times the packaging barely thicker than the cd itself now :p