Will we ever hear from OTYG again

yep, it saved my week-end last night :)
mr V might be fed up to hear it but it's such a shame the band is no more :cry: . And it's a pity I never had the chance to see them live :cry:
Thanks alot !!

:Spin: :Spin: :Spin:

By the way, if you're looking for some other great folk-metal you may also check out ASMEGIN at http://www.asmegin.com , some of their songs sound quite similar to OTYG though they're also using some BlackMetal-vocals ... I also know their guitarist Marius, who told me that they'll probably get signed by some great record label which most of you will know very well ... ;)

Thanks for sharing, David. :)
Again, no problem dudes and dudettes! It is indeed a great song. I got the track from mr. Marklund originally, so he's the one to thank, really. Not to forget my cousin "Seamoon" who had saved a copy of the track on his harddrive after I sent it to him a few years back (that fucker never upgrades his PC it seems). I couldn't find my backup CDr no matter how hard I looked.

NP: Bathory - Nordland II
It's a great song indeed, but Marklund didn´t happen to give some other Otyg live-tracks? *curious*
I´ve never heard any of the original songs live...
"It's a great song indeed, but Marklund didn´t happen to give some other Otyg live-tracks? *curious*
I´ve never heard any of the original songs live..."

Sorry, no idea. It would certainly be cool to hear more live material. So, Mattias, if you read this and got something "in stock", please arrange something will ya? :p

Wee! My 100th post! It took me some time, over a year.

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