Winamp Media Library on Vista


Active Member
Dec 14, 2006
Buffalo, New York
Any other Vista users having problems with the Media Library plug-in for Winamp? Mine basically doesn't respond which is just ghey. Anyone know what I can do to fix it, reinstall etc etc?
I have found Windows a complete cunt of the highest order since I got this laptop. I can't help your problem, but I feel your pain. I can't use windows media player or windows media centre (I have XP:MC) at all as windows comes to a complete halt.

Fucking windows.
ya maybe if I cared enough and was around long enough I would just reformat but I got 2 wks and don't care enough :lol:

reinstall may have fixed it though giggity
Any other Vista users having problems with the Media Library plug-in for Winamp? Mine basically doesn't respond which is just ghey. Anyone know what I can do to fix it, reinstall etc etc?
Media Library plug-in for WInamp? Winamp has a media library built-in. You don't have to install any external plug-ins. Or are you wording your problem wrongly?
I never had Windows 98 oddly enough. When Windows 2000 Professional came out I used that for the longest time and then switched the XP like 3-4 years ago. You almost have to use XP if you are a gamer, but I love Vista too. It runs really well on my laptop.