Need Vista Help Guys

So this isn't COMPLETELY recording related, but I know there's a lot of people here who do in fact use vista successfully when they are recording.

So I built a new machine. Its a 2.4 ghz Q6600 Quadcore machine. Got vista, installed it, everything seems fine.

But I seem to be having a few troubles:
1. Successfully installed cubase without problems, but when I tried to install EZdrummer, it crashes every single time.

2. My computer will freeze when I'll do a simple task. Like when I open my computer, sometimes it will randomly freeze.

3. Sometimes it randomly shuts down without warning. Not extremely frequently, but it shut down like 3 times yesterday.

I was just wondering if anyone knew what to do. Good news is, when i went to record my PODXT in vista, it worked fine. no latency or anything. But I'm just trying to figure out what to do. I'm not familiar with vista, but I want to see if I can make this work. Perhaps its some drivers issue? I got all the windows updates btw.
I've been on Vista for a year myself...I have 3 laptops and I've experienced the same things that you have( I went back to my XP long ago). My cubase ver 2 worked and ezdrummer loaded without problems but using ezdrummer as a plugin was another story, it always crashed....I mean always. The only other program I ever got to work in Vista was Sony Vegas(without any glitches) Also my pod xt live was flawless with recording in cubase but add a few plugins and your screwed.(and that's with the Vista updates)

Others will say it works perfectly....but in my yourself the headache and go back to XP.
I'm using exdrummer just fine with vista. I don't know the answer to your question either, as I didn't have to do anything special to get it to worked the first time.

Your comp shutting down and freezing and shit might be a hardware glitch. You overclock it at all?
see if it makes any difference running the User Account Control on or off. If it's on, turn it off...If it's off, turn it on.
I guess I'm close to just going back to XP. But I guess my quadcore will be useless with XP. Oh well, i suppose. I've built numerous computers and everything has been fine. My power supply is a 700 watt, and I've used the same model in some other PC's I've built, flawlessly.

I guess my only option is to either figure out if its some drivers thing, or go back to XP.
I guess I'm close to just going back to XP. But I guess my quadcore will be useless with XP. Oh well, i suppose. I've built numerous computers and everything has been fine. My power supply is a 700 watt, and I've used the same model in some other PC's I've built, flawlessly.

I guess my only option is to either figure out if its some drivers thing, or go back to XP.

Why would a quadcore cpu be useless in XP? It doesn't really utilize it any worse than Vista does IMO. Also the PSU being 700W doesn't always mean it's a great PSU. Is a 1000W surround sound setup that cost £50, better than a 50W that cost £1000? No, it isn't. Answer these few questions for me regarding that 700W psu.

What make and model is it?
What amps do you have on the 12V rails?
Does it have seperate 12V rails?

To be honest, I'd go for either overheating or a bad psu.

Download CoreTemp and check the temperatures of the CPU, a stock clocked Q6600 with the stock cooler should idle in the high 30's or low 40's.

Download Prime95 and check the temperatures when running the Small FFT test, you should not hit more than mid to late 60's.

Bearing in mind these temperatures can vary depending on if the chip is a B3 or G0 revision. You could also try updating the BIOS of your motherboard, maybe it has some compatibility issues with Vista. Also just to check, are you sure it's a Q6600 as these are 2.4ghz processors at stock, unless you have either overclocked the cpu, or the BIOS is set up incorrectly so an increased FSB is making the chip report as 2.6.

Also, I'm assuming you have made sure you have all the latest drivers for everything?

Not meaning to sound like an ass by all of this, but it could be numerous things, and you should look at other problems before assuming that it's Vista and that a reinstall of the OS would cure your problems.
I can't speak for your reboots and shutdowns, but you may want to try running the installer or Cubase itself in Administrator mode.

Right click the .exe for either one and in there you can set it to run in admin mode, then try running it and see if you have the same issues.

I found a lot of my plugins/apps in Vista required running in Administrator mode to work properly. There is also an option for XP/2000 Compatability mode I think, you may also wanna give that a shot.
guys i think most of you might have missed the point, although im pretty drunk from the pub tonite, it would appear that mega has built his own system. The blame isnt going to be with the operating system, or cubase or any other software... its going to be wit einen hardware gespielt! £50 its an overheating problem hehe
guys i think most of you might have missed the point, although im pretty drunk from the pub tonite, it would appear that mega has built his own system. The blame isnt going to be with the operating system, or cubase or any other software... its going to be wit einen hardware gespielt! £50 its an overheating problem hehe

I agree as well, it sounds like a compounded problem to me as well, but not being there to troubleshoot the hardware, I could only offer advice as to his software quirks.
Ooooooo I wanna say it so bad.

Fuck it.

PC's rock, :lol:


I actually don't really like PC's all that much. But I flat out can't afford to get a Mac or something of that sort. To get the most cost efficient performance, I had to go the PC route. Plus, I am used to Cubendo, and I'd have to spend around 2 grand to get something non upgradable and sort of decent.

But the OS is amazing, I really like macs.