Need Vista Help Guys

One of my really knowledgable friends said he was reading something about how my motherboard might only be able to actually use 2 Gb of my ram. It said it was compatible, but there was some strange technicality. This is my motherboard:

I have 4 gb of that ram. I'm trying to find out more information, but I read that the products were compatible, otherwise I wouldn't have purchased them.
Sounds'a lot like the ram to me. If i were you, i'd leave only one stick in, like someone already suggested, but make sure it's seated in there really good. I mean sometimes you've really gotta squash those motherf****rs in there, other wise you'll get random restarts. I'd even go as far as to reseat all pci/pci-e + whatever, you can get restarts from anything not being seated 100%. Also, unplug everthing you don't need from usb, i've met a computer that didn't like having a line 6 product plugged into it and rebooted everytime it tried to play a sound through it, had to buy a seperate usb pci card... good luck.
Thanks for the suggestion. I'm gonna try to mess with the ram later today. That would explain random restarts, but I still don't know why windows explorer freezes up all the time. Also, firefox sometimes has 'random errors' that I've never encountered on any other PC before. I don't know what the deal with that is.
Got to get you back for earlier Steve :heh:

Vista 32-bit recognises 4GB with Sp1. Any 64-bit operating system is to 128GB according to me calculations!

I wasn't aware that any 32bit OS could recognise 4gb apart from Windows Server 2k3, but then thinking about it, wasn't Vista based off the 2k3 Kernel?
Well is yours 40 degrees F, Jeff? Because they were saying there's was Celsius, which is a lot easier to believe
Yeah, Celsius. Your Imperial units are of no use to me...

Running F@H at 60%ish CPU usage, screenshotted SpeedFan:


Well for a start it's not fair to measure cpu load temperatures unless the cpu is under 100% load. Also Speedfan, unless you have configured the offsets, generally reports 15cooler than the actual temperature of the cpu. Coretemp is more commonly known to be the most accurate temperature gauge for cpu's.