Windows 7 - terrible midi playback, any way to replace GS wavetable synth?


New Metal Member
Apr 5, 2006
Buenos Aires, Argentina
I've just upgraded from XP x64 to Windows 7 x64 and I noticed that midi playback is awful now. I use a program called Guitar Pro to compose music and this program plays back what one tabs in midi. I found that my problem is the same one as described in here: here (listen to the audio sample he posted) and we are also discussing it here, but I think this is a most appropriate forum for this. Has anyone experienced this? Is there a way to replace Microsoft GS wavetable synth?

I repeat, this does not happen in XP, I have a dual boot system and I've just tried again, it's just happening in W7

This is the link to the audio file I mentioned above:
I noticed that midi playback is awful now. I use a program called Guitar Pro to compose music and this program plays back what one tabs in midi.


Guitar pro sounds like shit dude. Get used to it. Its not like your mixes will sound like that though so why worry?

EDIT: Just listened to the file... doe you mean its breaking up and not playing straight all the time? If thats the case then it might not be wavetable. Might be too much load on your CPU. If you do CTRL+ALT+DEL you can check the resources that guitar pro is using.

Guitar pro sounds like shit dude. Get used to it. Its not like your mixes will sound like that though so why worry?

EDIT: Just listened to the file... doe you mean its breaking up and not playing straight all the time? If thats the case then it might not be wavetable. Might be too much load on your CPU. If you do CTRL+ALT+DEL you can check the resources that guitar pro is using.
I am talking about those clicks in between notes, which are not normal. It's not because of too much load as this is a dual boot pc (windows 7 and xp x64) and it works fine in XP. It's gotta be something related to Windows 7 GS wavetable synth because I tried another synth driver and it works just fine
Audio sounds fine to me. That's just how guitar pro sounds dude.
Did you listen to the clip? It isn't how GP sounds, in fact, it's not just happening in GP, it happens in MIDI playback when using GS wavetable synth
Yeah, I've had that problem with my Onyx 400F sometimes, I think it's a driver issue - one thing that helps me is to close all open media player programs or anything else that would use the audio drivers on the interface, then open up GP - worth a try anyway!
I noticed this too. But you get used to it.
a bigger problem is that some kind of error messages keep showing up after a while. some you only have to click "ok" to then playback everytime, no problem, but annoying. and another one, saying something with memory crap, and then you have to kill the program. I`ve never had these problems with xp.
Yeah, I've had that problem with my Onyx 400F sometimes, I think it's a driver issue - one thing that helps me is to close all open media player programs or anything else that would use the audio drivers on the interface, then open up GP - worth a try anyway!
It didn't do the trick for me. So this is a Windows 7 issue, maybe it also happened in Vista

I read there that when you go from XP to Win7 you probably will want to go through Vista. :p And on that link they said you can go through a 30 day trial of Vista. Maybe that's the thing?????? Shot in the dark. And you gotta love microsoft <3.

But also, the machines that came with Vista could not go to XP very easily because of some SATA shit thingies. The cables aren't the same kind and it needs to be programmed somewhere and I never did it myself. But when going from an XP machine and you put a "post Vista era" microsoft OS, well maybe some SATA shits will fail??

When will linux handle .dll????? :( And btw if you dont do sound engineering on that computer you use guitarpro you might wanna go with ubuntu, it comes with many midi editing programs and lalala but no DAW can work in it... if I remember correctly.

I read there that when you go from XP to Win7 you probably will want to go through Vista. :p And on that link they said you can go through a 30 day trial of Vista. Maybe that's the thing?????? Shot in the dark. And you gotta love microsoft <3.

But also, the machines that came with Vista could not go to XP very easily because of some SATA shit thingies. The cables aren't the same kind and it needs to be programmed somewhere and I never did it myself. But when going from an XP machine and you put a "post Vista era" microsoft OS, well maybe some SATA shits will fail??

When will linux handle .dll????? :( And btw if you dont do sound engineering on that computer you use guitarpro you might wanna go with ubuntu, it comes with many midi editing programs and lalala but no DAW can work in it... if I remember correctly.
I used the wrong word, when I said "upgraded" I meant I moved from XP to 7 (fresh install). I meant "upgraded" as moved to something newer, haha, but I did not use the upgrade function, which I know sucks big time :p
Mine does the exact same thing you're talking about. On XP it didn't do it at all. It is definitely something to do with Windows 7... possibly specifically Windows 7 64 bit.

It's not noticeable on all midi instruments, but with the midi set to distorted guitar you hear a click sound at the beginning of every note... it doesn't seem to hurt anything, but it is definitely annoying to listen to...

It has nothing to do with Guitar Pro. It happens in TabIt too. It's an issue with the midi playback.

Let me know if you find some kind of fix for it...

I read there that when you go from XP to Win7 you probably will want to go through Vista. :p And on that link they said you can go through a 30 day trial of Vista. Maybe that's the thing?????? Shot in the dark. And you gotta love microsoft <3.

But also, the machines that came with Vista could not go to XP very easily because of some SATA shit thingies. The cables aren't the same kind and it needs to be programmed somewhere and I never did it myself. But when going from an XP machine and you put a "post Vista era" microsoft OS, well maybe some SATA shits will fail??

When will linux handle .dll????? :( And btw if you dont do sound engineering on that computer you use guitarpro you might wanna go with ubuntu, it comes with many midi editing programs and lalala but no DAW can work in it... if I remember correctly.

It has nothing to do with SATA or upgrading to Vista before going to Win 7. I used SATA cables on XP by the way...

It's something to do with the Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth used for midi playback in Windows 7.
Mine does the exact same thing you're talking about. On XP it didn't do it at all. It is definitely something to do with Windows 7... possibly specifically Windows 7 64 bit.

It's not noticeable on all midi instruments, but with the midi set to distorted guitar you hear a click sound at the beginning of every note... it doesn't seem to hurt anything, but it is definitely annoying to listen to...

It has nothing to do with Guitar Pro. It happens in TabIt too. It's an issue with the midi playback.

Let me know if you find some kind of fix for it...
Here's a guy with the same problem (even using GP as well) but on 7 x86:

The only solution I found was using another synth driver, I can tell you how to do it if you want me too, though it sounds slightly different than GS wavetable synth
Well, I found this as an alternative to GS wavetable synth. It's a Timidity installer that DOES work on x64. Everything is in Japanese so I used google's translator:

Firs I got to this site: TiMidity++ windows synthesizer(TWSYNTH) Project Top Page - SourceForge.JP

I downloaded and installed that. That thing added a driver which I can use in Guitar pro (and I suppose in other programs).

Then I updated the content of the Timidity folder in Program Files with this: Google

That guy seems to have worked with Windows 7 x64 and updated Timidity's files.

It sounds similar to GS wavetable synth, with little differences For example, drums are panned on the listener's perspective and cymbals are a bit loud. Also I am not able to mute drum sounds anymore (as in when a drumer plays an open hat and then closes it with the pedal, you know), but that's not so terrible when composing
Mine works and I'm on 7

I bet you have the problem and just haven't noticed it. Mine doesn't do it on most instruments... you don't hear any problem on bass or drums or clean or jazz guitar for example, but both distorted guitar and overdriven guitar do it. You hear this "click" sound at the beginning and sometimes end of the notes... it's really noticeable if you're coming from different computer/OS where it didn't happen.
No idea. It's really noticeable in Dexter's clip, but it's just not happening here. Tried with two different MIDI Files ---> nothing. I thought for a second I'd hear it but it was actually the kick drum. :lol:

Maybe you guys have some hardware in common? Like soundcards/interfaces from the same brand?