Windows help

Yeah, depends on which fan is going. Sometimes that can severely impact on the RPM of it so it'll lessen the cooling and shorten the life of what it's trying to cool.

I'd open it up and see which fan it is that's dying - it could save you a dead computer at a lousy time for not much money if it's replaced early.
unfortunately Ad Aware always finds heaps of shit, I've never actually had it find anything that has noticeably affected teh running of the computer.... Although now that I've said that, who knows...
Strange I only worked when I didn't type what I was trying to say...

I shall try again...

I am having another problem...whenever I download a video file via a torrent, when I click on the file all open windows shit themselves and/or close automatically, making playing/deleting the file a pain in the arse. Anyone know what is going on there?
My mate gave me quite a number of wav and mpg files, which would be wunderbar, but every time I open them or even just they folder they're in my computer cracks the shits with them. It brings up an error and Windows Explorer takes its bat and goes home. Any suggestions as to why this might happen?
Ah fuck how do I do print screen with this Microsoft keyboard of mine? I'd like to put an image of the error box up here.

The trouble is, it fucks up even before I try to open one of the files. I just have to open the flamin' folder and it spits at me and calls me a wanker.
Yeah we have similar problems, Jordan. I took Southy's advice and kicked it in the face, but so far I'm still not having much luck.
Winmar said:
Yeah we have similar problems, Jordan. I took Southy's advice and kicked it in the face, but so far I'm still not having much luck.

Yeah but at least you're foot is broken.

What does the error message say? Maybe the files are corrupted or something? Gotta be something weird like that..