Windows on a Mac...

I haven't had experience in trying but try making a second partition on the disk and put Windows on it. If you can't boot that one, use the program boot camp.

but I don't see why'd you want a windows when you have a mac :erk:
No first hand experience either but I am very sure you need an Intel based Mac(Core2Duo etc..) If you do then you need to use something called BootCamp to make it work. Last I heard the driver support for the touch pad mouse that is built into the Mac Books is kind of shitty and doesn't work that well with windows.
i dont own a mac, but i have already read several times that making a second partition with windows on intel macs works. Actually people who have a mac do that in order to install some games that only run on windows.

But the other way around doesnt work :p.
I have read that on an intel pc, there are ways to do it, but you'd have to hack into the mac os installation cd before (an all made hacked version is supposed to exist, but i never got my hands on one and anyways, there are no intel components in my pc). Such a hacked mac os is called a hackintoch :p

have you seen this link?
Looks like you just need bootcamp and a windows installation cd.