'Wish some one would put and end to your suffering?' <--You? Post here!

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Blinded By The Light...
Jul 15, 2001
AKA: 'Something BAD happen today' <--You? Post here!
AKA: SPAM THREAD! ANYTHING GOES* (*all depressing whinging will NOT be tolderated ELSEWHERE)

Your own suicidal tendencies not strong enough to get the job done?
Or are you just to lethargic to slit your own throat?
Can't you people AT LEAST expend the effort to throw a toaster in the bath tub?

If this is the case, just come to this thread to whinge, bitch and complain. Eventually someone else here will get sick enough of it that they will send someone over (or better yet pay a visit to give it that 'personal touch') to finish what you started with your self loathing. :rolleyes: It's that easy! :grin:

Guess I'll get the ball rolling:

I'm not a teenager anymore so I can't be angsty right now.... so what the fuck is this shit? :err: And why the fuck won't I get off my arse so I can get a job that I don't want?
Man, this will be the longest thread on the board. And what Care Bear threads?! The Iminpainsomeonekillmenow ones dominate. There are hardly any Sunshineandlollipop threads!
No, it's justthe sunshinelollipop threads (as they are named at least) TURN into Iminpainsomeonekillmenow threads........

Let's stop kidding ourself and at least get the naming system right. I'm all about Order and straightforwardness and not-dancing-around-the-point see? :rolleyes:
The 'NF' thread had become this, and that's why the 'Something Good..' thread was created.

Everyone needs to shut up and give life a chance.. no matter how bad it seems now, you never know when great things may fall into your hands
wouldn't NF suggest it covers ALL FEELINGS though? It's not fair to be biased towards hugs and kittens and plurrr fluffy bunnies with a 'something good' thread, when you can't have a 'something bad' thread, no?

now stop your bitching or I'll put you on a time-out :rolleyes:

*watches meat cleaver falling from skies into my hands...*

this should be fun to watch.
Not enough whiging I'm sorry. You'll have to do better than that. God knows you can be annoying sometimes but you're not that annoying.
And I'm wondering where our sleep depreaved moderator is. Someone should put a stop to this madman! :eek:

Oh, and for the record, people bitch at Spike all the time.
@spike: next time you do something like this i remove the rest of your posts from the board as well. the ones you've posted before and the ones you might post afterwards, let's say until next january. if you think i won't you're badly misjudging how i feel, sleep or no sleep.
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