Wish we had a real Off-Topic Tavern...

yea and with the way you guys reacted when you found out there was actually a chick on this forum..... lol
I wouldnt want our off topic tavern turning into that scene from "the accused". Being raped on a blizzard of oz themed pinball machine.
yea and with the way you guys reacted when you found out there was actually a chick on this forum..... lol
I wouldnt want our off topic tavern turning into that scene from "the accused". Being raped on a blizzard of oz themed pinball machine.

You mean the scene where she finally wins the case??

...oh wait.... no.... I know which scene.

Anyone fancy a game of pinball?

Das Boot!!!


(yea yea I know German not English, but would still be funny trying to see these fuckers drink from it!)

HAHAHAA! Epic fucking boot-pint!
There would also be a collection of exceptionally stoned people sat in the corner on indian looking embroidered cushions all hitting a hookah and passing the goddamn bong around \o/