Within the first 40 seconds of the new Allen/Lande

One day folks...one day I will get them both to the stage in Atlanta.

I will pay to see Allen/Lande no matter what the rest of the lineup is.
Jorn yells out "Showdown!"
Russell replies with "Oh-whoa."
I get wood.

Interesting ... I'm guessing you and I don't hear the same thing on this disc.

In my opinion only Jorn's voice is worth writing home about. Then again, Jorn can sing the phone book and I'll be happy.

Russell sounds pretty "mediocre" here, and I found myself checking back to make sure it even was Russell singing.

And the songwriting - oh my - is beyond HORRIBLE! Really, it's soooo stupid to hear yet another Magnus Karlsson (or whatever his name is) penned disc sounding like a carbon copy of everything else he's ever done just with less quality to it.

The first A/L disc was pretty awesome, the second one was good - this one stinks.

I was VERY disappointed by this album.

So Claus and Glenn, how have you heard this album already? Do you both just get sent lots of free stuff?

And Claus, I think I'll at least agree with you on Magnus.