Woe, Is Me - Numbers


New Metal Member
Mar 18, 2011

Are the drums programmed? Or actually played by Austin, then replaced with samples?

Are the guitars pod?

How is that glitch effect done?
Are the drums programmed? Or actually played by Austin, then replaced with samples?

from what i've heard the drums were programmed with superior

Are the guitars pod?

i guess they are not cuz WIM recorded at chango's
and i heard they'd use like a 5150 or diezel for guitars

How is that glitch effect done?

u can do it with this vst:
or by selecting a part in your audio track -slicing it - copying it a few times in a row
and cutting out the endings of the sliced bits i guess
i think i read somewhere the stutters were done by hand but i could be wrong.
Just enable grid snapping, cut up the track(s) in question and delete say, every second segment. play around with it. be sure to fade out the audio a tad so you dont get nasty popping sounds
cheers for the input guys, i wonder why Austin didn't actually play his parts? :p

and that glitch thing looks good, but doesn't work for mac :(

Oh and those guitars sound like they are DI

"I run a chain with various solo guitar models and lecto paulin plugin as if it were a real setup" - Cameron Mizell (guy who recorded/mixed/produced them)

Where did you get that info? I've tried getting a hold of Cam, and he's a mysterious guy.
cheers for the input guys, i wonder why Austin didn't actually play his parts? :p

I think it might be that it's easier to change fills and everything when it's programmed. And maybe he hadn't rehearsed the songs properly? I've gotten the impression that so many bands come unprepared. So programming might not say that the drummer is bad. To me it rather says
1. Drummer hasn't rehearsed enough
2. They want to polish the fills and so on
3. They're in a hurry
4. They just want a more processed sound
5. Just plain laziness

But i love the fact that it seems like these guys can actually play their instruments and tyler seems to be a good singer too.
Cameron has told me of his love for lecto.
He said that lecto with a quality IR or cab setup then aux with a multiband is "the shit"

However, I was also Lead to believe that this is more a recent development in his style.
As he did use 6505 & deziel setups for past recordings. I'm pretty sure woe is me is lecto.

actually this was a tad inaccurate. his exact qoute:
"GUITAR SOLO OVERDRIVE into POULIN LECTO into GUITAR SOLO CAB mixed with class A micd amp of your choice = the shit."
then he goes on to say:
"Run a guitar aux with a multiband of your choice (I love multidynamics) and you're set."
Our guitar player just dialed in some gnarly tones with LeCto by just using LeCto, a couple impulses loaded in LeCab, and he said he "EQed out some low mids". So no other eqing yet (obviously the non demo songs will have) or anything else fancy, and it's still sounding great. Where do you think he puts on the multiband? In the low mids as the standard is?
This album came out BEFORE Lecto was released(atleast before full release, maybe it was the beta? but thats still a long ass time).
So I am extremely doubtful that this is Lecto at all.

I've gotten close with LE456 before.
This album came out BEFORE Lecto was released(atleast before full release, maybe it was the beta? but thats still a long ass time).
So I am extremely doubtful that this is Lecto at all.

I've gotten close with LE456 before.

this is true.

I've been listening to the new single and disregarded when this album came out.
so it definitely isn't lecto.

but like I said before, I was lead to believe that his appreciation of Lecto was very recent.
Anyone know who produced this album, I know it's not Joey, but it does sound quite alot like some of his work. Love the whole glitching approach in this album. Sexaaay!