Woe, Is Me - Numbers


"I run a chain with various solo guitar models and lecto paulin plugin as if it were a real setup" - Cameron Mizell (guy who recorded/mixed/produced them)

Did you get that out of my Email Inbox?!?! lol jk. I forgot i posted that somewhere else
I can't imagine it would be a whole lot, unless it was stem mastered. Think of mastering as a bit of sheen over the whole mix. They can make some pretty awesome improvements as I've noticed with my work but it still sounds like your mix if that makes sense. You definitely can not rescue something in mastering.
I know that's the case in most situations. But i remember Joey saying he rules at mastering and that a lot of the guitar tobe comes in the mastering stage. Dunno really but i guess we'll never know
I think it might be that it's easier to change fills and everything when it's programmed. And maybe he hadn't rehearsed the songs properly? I've gotten the impression that so many bands come unprepared. So programming might not say that the drummer is bad. To me it rather says
1. Drummer hasn't rehearsed enough
2. They want to polish the fills and so on
3. They're in a hurry
4. They just want a more processed sound
5. Just plain laziness

But i love the fact that it seems like these guys can actually play their instruments and tyler seems to be a good singer too.

Or that majority of the songs were written in the studio with their producer?
Re-writing and re-arranging songs would be a pita if he had to retrack drums every time they changed a part.
Of Machines was programmed as well