Wolfe Amplification Hellfire- Have a quick listen


I Prefer EL-34s. So What?
Feb 21, 2006
I'm probably going to regret posting this, but here is a quick clip of my new amp, the Wolfe Amplification 'Hellfire'.


Keep in mind that this was recorded with the master volume almost FULL OFF. I have a kid that's in bed so I can't crank it at the moment. At that low of MV setting, the amp has a really grainy sound(as most do at low volumes). Also, at those levels, the presence and depth controls for the power amp are hard to tame.

And I also had to monitor on my Mac-book Pro, so I really don't know how this clip sounds on real speakers. So take it for what it is, just a demonstration as to what my amp with both gain knobs maxed out sounds like.

Oh and I've got EL-34's in it right now, so that kinda adds to the grainy sound.

Comments please. I'm just happy it's all sorted out and ready to go in a chassis. Lemme tell ya, this thing sounds AWESOME when cranked. I'm pretty sure my choice of phase inverter has something to do with it(it's based around a 12AT7, and starts breaking up at around a master volume of 9 o'clock.).

I'll post pics once it's in a chassis and head shell, and then it will be shipped off to some people to test out.
And sorry about the DI's, I know everyone is tired of em. But thanks to Jeff once again.

If anyone has any DI's they would like me to throw through it, I can crank the amp tomorrow and monitor on a better system to get some more 'accurate' clips.
Pretty cool man, from that clip I think I'd like a little more gain and a little less mids around 600hz-1.2khz or so. A little boomy too. Sounds promising though. Can't wait to hear more from it when you can crank it though man. Nice job and congrats on getting done with the amp.
More gain? Boost it with a TS:lol:

I'm a big fan of amps with a more 'usable' gain control. On amps like the XXX or 5150, I'd always find myself never using more than half the gain available. So I incorporated that into my build. Doesn't go overboard, but has just the amount I like.

That reminds me, I need to hook up the OD820 to it tomorrow and see what that results in.

BTW this amp is very unforgiving and slightly dry, reminds me of how a VHT reacts to playing.
I hear definite potential man. I like the way it's voiced for the most part.

It's certainly different. I'm going to add in a few more switches tomorrow to allow bypassing of some of the bright caps, and also add in a sweep control for the tone stack. So it will be fairly versatile.
Any ETA for the finish product? Will you offer reamping services?


Next amp is going to be named 'Patriot' or 'Javelin' :) Gotta stick with something, so missiles it is.

Thats funny, I was reading about it today on wikipedia. I was wondering what exactly the Predator of ModernWarfare 2 was. Learned that Hellfire is the missile, UAV the plane and Predator the whole system. They even come up with a terrible excuse for the name ("HELicopter Launched FIRE and forget"). Yeah, right :rolleyes:

But it's a nice name for a high gain amp indeed. Predator sounds badass too, if it isn´t already taken. Audio gear for metal always sounds like 90's action movies titles. :headbang:
Any ETA for the finish product? Will you offer reamping services?

Thats funny, I was reading about it today on wikipedia. I was wondering what exactly the Predator of ModernWarfare 2 was. Learned that Hellfire is the missile, UAV the plane and Predator the whole system. They even come up with a terrible excuse for the name ("HELicopter Launched FIRE and forget"). Yeah, right :rolleyes:

But it's a nice name for a high gain amp indeed. Predator sounds badass too, if it isn´t already taken. Audio gear for metal always sounds like 90's action movies titles. :headbang:

Just have to work on the layout a bit, throw it in the chassis, and it will be done. Also have to work on my screen printing skills for the face/back plate. So I should have at least 2 finished and ready to ship within the month.

I always liked Peters Amplification naming scheme- Halo, Polaris, Gryphon, Chimera.
Really want to hear it with 6l6's to get rid of that upper mid EL34 nastiness. Has masses of potential though :)
I think it's pretty cool man, though could use a bit more gain (easily remedied of course :heh: ), and sounds great for the volume it was at! (on that note, I highly doubt it would sound any different with 6L6's Joe, at least not until you really cranked it)
It wouldn't sound much different, but it would be an improvement as far as I'm concerned. But then again, I haet EL34's.
I'm going to lower the resistor on the powersupply node that goes to the phase inverter, which should increase voltages across all the preamp tubes. That in turn will probably add a bit more gain. I'll try it today and find out. Also just threw in a set of 6L6's and it sounds different, although not too extravagant.
How about a clip with the volume cranked?

It's coming. Finishing up some mods, then I'll have another clip. BTW I retract my previous statement about the 6L6's not sounding different, the bass is MUCH louder and tighter with them in, and the high end really opened up. Had to really turn down the depth and presence compared to what I had them set at with the EL34's.

BTW, just so everyone knows you can put whatever you want in the power section of this thing. You can also put 2 different types at once. Each tube has it's own bias control, so you won't have to bother paying extra for matched sets (although most places are selling matched sets for free regardless)