
Conspicuously Absent

Linguistically Confused
Mar 27, 2005
Surprisingly good! After all the hype i heard on the radio I assumed they would be crap. (usually popular bullshit like Nickelback or whatever).

Reminds me a bit of Led Zeppelin mixed with modern rock.

:kickass::kickass::kickass::headbang: / :kickass::kickass::kickass::kickass::kickass:
edit: Second round through I started having to skip tracks. 2.5....

Thats the nice thing about work, sometimes I can preview stuff without paying without illegally downloading. (Free music download subscription through work! :D)
Adrian summed their album up quite nicely...

I'm glad I didn't buy this stupid album. By my third listen I was highly annoyed. This is stoner for pop culture hipsters who think they know what's really goin' on but are too busy walking around crosseyed after consuming too many Redbull and vodkas. Hackneyed bullshit all tossed together with no coherency, this is the Cradle of Filth of stoner.

They are Aussies, and they suck BALLS.

Well actually they aren't horrible, BUT they are 48th rate "stoner" at best, and I'm tired of people telling me about them. It's like a mishmash of random elements from Sabbath, Cream, and Tull thrown together without any thought. I can name 90 other bands who did it first, and do it better while in their fucking sleep.

It's the equivalent of someone saying "oh you're listening to Iron Maiden? You should check out H.I.M. he's so rad!" DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE [/not really angry]
Yeah, pretty much. It's not horrible, but theres better stuff.

And HIM is definetly worse than this! I'd rather gouge my eardrums out with a Q-Tip than listen to HIM. I just wouldn't CHOOSE wolfmother.

edit: Can you tell work is boring today?

but seriously, all elitism aside and however you decide the "genuine" factor of a band, an infectious riff is an infectious riff and nobody in the world can tell me that Wolfmother don't know how to write some god awesome riffs and vocal lines!
when samantha and i went to see celtic frost last fall, the venue had some HORRIBLE song about an apple tree playing over & over & over & over again before the bands went on. afterwards we found out from the intarwebs who it was. wolfmother. :puke:
Calling Reggie Bush a fraud is ridiculous, calling Wolfmother frauds is dead on.

Someone way back when made a White Stripes comparison, I definitely could see that. :erk:
The White Stripes, The Darkness, Wolfmother, The Vines, The Bees Knees, and all that other garbage needs to be reduced to embers in a bonfire of the vanities.