WOLVES IN THE THRONE ROOM, black folk metal in vein of Weakling..

Well when you pack the order to Cologne, Germany, just splash boiling cum all over the CD and I'll know you love me *lame RC private joke*

Seriously I'll spread the word about the band all over Europe, believe me :p

Do you think they'll be available for interviews?
So in this one thread, we've had:

Hyperlinks to the website containing MP3 for Queen of Borrowed Light (demo)
My yousendit for QoBL (demo)
Moose's younsend it for the entire demo
dubloth's link to the entire demo
dubloth's link to QoBL (new version)


It's an omen!! I just placed the order with Vendlus. $11 is a steal. :kickass:
I ordered mine for $11.99 from The End, but that was before all you guys started talking about getting it from Vendlus. I've learned my lesson.

So will this album be the jizz inducing album of the year? Every year there are probably 2 or 3 jizzlobbing albums at the RC forum. Manes 'Vilosophe', Negura Bunget, Drudkh, etc. Who will join the ranks in 2006?
I've not fully absorb Weakling yet to make comparisons but this is g00d. Give me a full length and I may consider the purchase.
Dev said:
I've not fully absorb Weakling yet to make comparisons but this is g00d. Give me a full length and I may consider the purchase.

You're talking about the demo? Because the full length is out already (hence the Vendlus references).
Nate The Great said:
I ordered mine for $11.99 from The End, but that was before all you guys started talking about getting it from Vendlus. I've learned my lesson.

So will this album be the jizz inducing album of the year? Every year there are probably 2 or 3 jizzlobbing albums at the RC forum. Manes 'Vilosophe', Negura Bunget, Drudkh, etc. Who will join the ranks in 2006?

Don't know until I hear it BUT the WitTR demo made my top 10 of 2005. (I've yet to put my final 2005 list together though -- might do that this weekend).
let me know how this thing is. i hate downloading and never have time.

this dubloth fellow is cool. hope he likes the scald material. i do.
J. said:
let me know how this thing is. i hate downloading and never have time.

this dubloth fellow is cool. hope he likes the scald material. i do.

You'll really like this Wolves album. Read the UM review of it.

BTW, we adjusted our review ratings to be more realistic. So 8/10 is about as good as we've given for a while.
Nate The Great said:
You'll really like this Wolves album. Read the UM review of it.

BTW, we adjusted our review ratings to be more realistic. So 8/10 is about as good as we've given for a while.

Good, because in total honesty, there should not be more than 10-15 albums per DECADE scoring a 10/10.

EDIT: And I only judge this based on 80's & 90's. I'm presuming the trend will continue.
JayKeeley said:
Good, because in total honesty, there should not be more than 10-15 albums per DECADE scoring a 10/10.

EDIT: And I only judge this based on 80's & 90's. I'm presuming the trend will continue.

We had a pretty good debate over it, and I don't know if UM will be having a 10/10 for a while. 9.5/10 and 9/10 will be VERY rare too.

Based on our new ratings, Wolves getting an 8/10 is pretty good.

Here's the new scale that we're trying our hardest to stick to.

We have recently changed UM's review rating system; being the nice guys and gals we are, our average score had slipped up to seven out of ten. We realise, however, that having numerical rating and not having the average at half the top score, however, is a bit counter-intuitive. So, after much debate, we have come up with a new set of score which we will endeavour to stick to:

0 - 1.5: Awful . . . don't bother.
2 - 3.5: Below average . . . only buy if you wipe your bum with large bills.
4 - 6: Average . . . buy if you really like this style.
6.5 - 8: Above average . . . definitely worth checking out.
8.5 - 9.5: Excellent . . . nearly essential for all fans of extreme music.
10 Classic . . . if you don't own this you should be crucified.

All reviews posted since the beginning of February adhere to this system, as will all in the future.
That's good, works close to how I have it in my mind. Although, by that rating structure, an album getting 4/10 is "average...buy if you like the style"? Quite honestly, if I see a review with a 4/10 score, I probably wouldn't even waste my time reading the review (unless it was a band I was interested in).

Otherwise though, yeah, much better.

By the way, *IMO* there wasn't a single 10/10 release from 2005, but there was one from 2004 and absolutely one from 2003.
JayKeeley said:
That's good, works close to how I have it in my mind. Although, by that rating structure, an album getting 4/10 is "average...buy if you like the style"? Quite honestly, if I see a review with a 4/10 score, I probably wouldn't even waste my time reading the review (unless it was a band I was interested in).

Otherwise though, yeah, much better.

By the way, *IMO* there wasn't a single 10/10 release from 2005, but there was one from 2004 and absolutely one from 2003.

We wanted there to be a range of ratings in the "average" category, thus 4/10 was low average. It's actually damn hard to get several people to agree on one system.

Even though Meshuggah 'Catch 33' got praise from just about everywhere, it wouldn't be a 10/10. I gave it the #1 spot, so I'd have to agree that 2005 didn't have a 10/10.

What was 10/10 in 2004? 2003?