Wolves in the Throne Room in Brooklyn 10/19/07

ok, changing subject quickly ... so the show is in 2 weeks ... so you should be able to play pocket pool by then.
and since this a Friday ... we can meet at the Brooklyn Brewery before as it is walking distance away and plenty of fresh brews on hand
yesss ... very nice ... only open on Friday evenings ... so plenty of girls with big udders to oogle at.
Kind of on the fence with this one. I have to be on Saturday morning's by 6:30AM in order to get to class in time. I then have to sit through 5 hours of class. So, Fridays are an early/non-drinking night. I suspect I'll pass.

D'OH!! I remember at Progpower we talked about possibly sharing a room in NYC? Maybe you were thinking about not attending that particular class or something at the time? (It's obviously a legitimate reason btw since work/school/family, etc. should always come first, I was just curious). :)
It's not just a matter of getting to school, it's also a matter of giving up a Friday night to do school work. Essentially, to trek into the city, to see that set list (not impressive), not drink, get back home (or pay for a hotel room, etc.) early and get up early, just aint worth it.
