Wolves in the Throne Room in Brooklyn 10/19/07

Understood. Believe me, if I wasn't in school, I'd totally be there. And if it was someone I was more interested in seeing, I'd probably still be there. But hearing the new disc live just isn't that thrilling a prospect. Much of that disc is pretty laid back. And I'm really down on hearing slower styles live. I've recently come to realization, that there are less bands I want to see live, than I had previously thought.

we're getting old ...

I am just going mostly to meet the rest of the RC culprits ... hope eveyone shows up
so with this being a few days away ... who's in, who's out ... i need to make a decision on what type of undies to wear
I'll be attending the festivities. I'm taking the L train to Bedford and N 7th, seems to be the closest stop i can find. Anyone else more familiar with the area know a better way (coming from Manhattan)?