Wolves in the Throne Room in Brooklyn 10/19/07

just as an FYI to those attending ... WOLVES IN THE THRONE ROOM is opening ... so be there early!!!

read more HERE as well as location and directions!
so I am heading down to this with a few friends ... from the original 8 or so people that wanted to go ... besides Spike, who else is still on for some boozin'?
i just got home ... packed to the gilders ...

you know that old saying ... don't go home early beacuse Led Zepelling might be playing after you're gone ...

well ...

more in the morning ...

including news about AGAIN a possible RC fest ...

I can't believe it was only me and Hairy Dave at this gig
ok brief rundown of the gig

- the venue (well more like someone's loft, even though it was pretty darn big) is in a really industrial part of Brooklyn. No sign on door just a few hipsters were hanging out outside to give a hint of something going down. Got there early, 8:30 or so, and it was pretty darn quiet inside and out. Door guy said, Wolves on at 10:30 ... so I went in the area to look for food and booze.
- back at 10:30 and its still pretty quiet outside the place. I am thinking it will be same inside ... get the ticket and go in and am greeted with a mass of people. I was like WTF? ... now of course they were not all there to see Wolves as the gig went from a 3 band night to 6 band. When I got in there wa sa guy onstage solo with a bunch of keyboards and a Mac twisting out weird atmospheric trance stuff suited for a Michael Mann movie ... not bad really.
- the crowd was very mixed. I did not see even one typical BM fan, bunch of metal heads, hipsters and locals abound ... but I think comign in and out of the place ... there could have been easily 300 people there.
- the stage ... well it was right by the entrance. it fit Wolves' drumkit ONLY and the other two guys played on the floor ... which means that even lurch all he saw was half the drummers head all night ... no kidding ... BUT ... i think it made for a better vibe as the sound mix was awesome and it just sucked you in. I felt the same as at ISIS, where the band just sold me live ... and Wolves is a band to hear live. I saw the band members, before they went on, and to be honest, they could be in Y&T as their look does not work with the music (bring on the marketing comments fuckos) ... the drummer was a monster however.
- i left after them so could not tell you about Witchcraft, but I have a feeling they probably kicked ass as it seemed most people were there waiting for them.
Agreed with pretty much everything lurch said. I looked for you dude thought i saw you once, but not after that. (surprisingly considering you're not that hard to miss :p, but you did leave early). I got there around 9:15, following someone inside. It really was in the middle of nowhere, even more so than North Six. The sound was excellent for all the bands however. The crowd was pretty mixed and that was a plus (hipster chicks yes plz :goggly:).

Wolves were awesome, and they're drummer is a beast. The vocals, guitarists all were great, and the last song off two hunters was quite amazing. I didn't think their songs would translate that well, but i was wrong. The atmosphere cut right through their set, and for that style i don't think it can get much better live. Next up was Danava, who just tore the place up i thought. Most of their songs 10+ minutes plus, but the band is talented enough to make it work. The vocalist/guitarist has tons o talent. I saw them live last time with witchcraft, and they've been great both times. I might have to buy an album.

Finally at around 2am, Witchcraft came on and put on an amazing show. This band is definitely one of the best live bands going. I did not stop moving my head for the entire set. The band is just so tight and confident and full of energy. It does help when you know all their songs, including the new ones. They played almost all of Alchemist excluding one or two tracks, and they all ruled (samaritan burden best track of the night). They closed with a smoking version of 'Her sisters they were weak' Not many bands would make me see them twice on tour, but when they come back to nyc in December, i'll be there.
oh man, you make me wish I hung around ... I really liked that mixed crowd and wish more gigs would mix bands of different genres ... it works well in BKLYN as people are pretty open minded, but not sure how it would work somewhere else.
Wolves' set really kicked ass and that shitty room had awesome acoustics.

and for the rest of you that did not make it ...

Fags in the fo room :loco:
haha remember the hot dancing chicks from ND/Saturnus in nyc? I bet it was Paul Kuhr that made them show up.

Anyway, i really wanted to go to this gig, but i ended up not getting out of work till 6 or 7 yesterday, and then i had to work this morning.