Wolves in The Throne Room

Both of their albums are good, although I prefer Two Hunters by quite a bit.

True, but I still like Diadems a lot. I saw them live & talked to Rick & the other guy guy quite a bit. Rick was cool as shit, but the other guitarist was a total introvert. I really haven't listened to them since Two Hunters came out though.
Diadems is a third-rate ripoff of Weakling - Dead As Dreams. And if you're going to blatantly rip off an album, you should at least pick one that was good. The songwriting is so overblown and meandering, not to mention how painfully unoriginal the whole thing is. At least "Vastness and Sorrow" and "Cleansing" are pretty concise for lengthy songs, and the production improved dramatically.

That and Diadems sounded so bland and uninteresting. The new record took it to a whole different level. Nothing about the first record offers anything close to the second one.

I really want a new record from them soon.
I am no newbie, and I can say WITTR is an excellent band that offers a ton more, sonically, than a lot of the four-track bedrooms bands that fill the pages of myspace. Their music is a lot more sincere, and the music is crafted with a great use of dynamics. Not liking them is one thing, saying that this certain band is for people new to the genre is wrong because of obvious characteristics of there sound. Plus, they are the definition of forward thinking black metal without moving to far away from the genre.
The playing style and production, not to mention the vocals, are pretty different on both albums. It's not my fault you've gone deaf from listening to so much Striborg and his shitty attempts at drumming.

Like I said, I don't even like this band a real lot, but you obviously don't know what you're talking about if you think both of their albums sound the same or even really similar.
No, he can't but you have to shut up because he's obviously right since he told us to shut up. Shut up.
it's just ok music and that's it. nothing special nothing to make a thread about. tons of bands do the same style better. the only reason to listen to them is if you are a dork who can't find decent bands and you just believe hype.


Gimmick band with a stupid gimmick ideology. They can suck my hairy beanbag for all I care.
Their ideology is retarded.

And yeah, Cyrathul's taste is pretty good.

But I still like WITTR! And DSO... I'm a hipster, 'parently.

Gimmick band with a stupid gimmick ideology. They can suck my hairy beanbag for all I care.

Your comments are always like this

I haven't heard much from this band so correct me if I'm wrong but they seem like they aren't doing anything that ...and oceans hasn't already done.