WOMAN!: if there's 1 for the men, there's gotta be 1 for women


technoviking is HOT


ohhh gerard butler. *drooling*

edit: dani filth sucks.
tecnoviking has attitude, but i wouldn't secks him :p neither a spartan



HOOO I'd do it.

Dani Filth should be fed to crocodiles. Nah. Even they wouldn't wanna bite outta that, I can understand that. Someone throw him into a volcano.
Dani Filth is horrid. I know it's all personal taste, but I can't see what anyone would see in him. Especially in all that slap! Where that giant 'erk!' smilie when you need it eh?

As for Gerard Butler and his crew from '300', the guys at work took the piss cause I went to see that film three times when it was on at work. I tried to tell them all I was watching it for the battle scenes but funnily enough none of them believed me...
Dani Filth fucking rox! For anyone that thought cradle isn't the truest true black metal, here's true black metal footage. It's from '94 when they first came out.

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^Lol, he obviously doesn't know that you're in the pic in your signature. :)
One fine lady.

Now seriously, let's stop talking about Dani :erk: