Do Men Dislike Wit in a Woman?

Looks don't last though - so what will sustain the relationship once that's gone?
Probably you're right that a man will fall for a very pretty woman regardless of personality (even if she screams obscenities at him over trivia and isn't keen on sex?) But such a relationship will need something more if it will go the distance. On the other hand personality is surely a big plus that can make up somewhat for lack of physical attractiveness.
Science has shown that people naturally pair up with someone who is on about the same level of physical attractiveness as they are. Otherwise what would happen is that the less attractive people would always be disappointed.
You can get a beautiful woman who never gets married because she is flawed in her personality, while a much plainer woman who is a pleasure to be with, (and a good cook most likely) will have no problem.

I would agree with this.

I think the physical attraction will bring people together, but their communication will keep them together. The older I get, the more I realize that looks play a smaller role in choosing a mate, at least for the long term.

The longer you are in a relationship with someone, the more it becomes about the bonding one has created through conversation and experience than it does regarding the physical attraction which brought you two together in the first place.
The longer you are in a relationship with someone, the more it becomes about the bonding one has created through conversation and experience than it does regarding the physical attraction which brought you two together in the first place.

Having recently lived through two decades of this, I have to say, its not carved in stone. Would make sense but ultimately not an unbreakable link.
atheists have a different idea of equality--one which doesn't base itself on a sex-based hierarchy--and to some fictional culture it could be imagined 'we don't treat children as equals'...well, do we? we treat them as we would have ourselves treated were we ourselves children like them. we say 'this is the proper place of the child, not to vote, or drink, or...' etc., and we are happy to boast "inequality" in favor of adults.

they think their sexism is as valid as we think our ageism, in fact they probably have even more confidence in theirs, since it's not just a common conception of mankind, but 'god-given'

The idea behind religion and sex is simple. Let's face it. The fundementals of society have not been based on the interests of all people. If anything they have been raised according to those who have been in power. So , that being siad, the true equality in any situation is to understand ALL people that surround you . It does not depend on thier geographical or thier religious stand point, or sexual. We all die some point, so face it we have to realize that these things are material and petty. I have met what i can honestly say is my soul mate. aside from the fact she is a female , she has the wit and ability to communicate that we both understand , as well as I do.... to become functioning content people in this world ....what else do you need.argument about race or religion??

boo hoo hoo...

you'll die soon enough, so who gives a shit?

you may as well spend this weekend mourning the Earth's loss of the neanderthol.

d'you think in a hundred or two hundred years people will look back and go, 'damn man, those self-centred lazy ass millenials, they've let everything go to ruins. I wish we were whiter'? If not, and if you presume you don't have an immortal soul and a bigot God, then for exactly what reason is anyone (the aforementioned people to suffer this fate, and you--not living to see it) supposed to care?

its one of the strongest instincts known to mankind to care about their own.... duh !
The idea behind religion and sex is simple. Let's face it. The fundementals of society have not been based on the interests of all people. If anything they have been raised according to those who have been in power. So , that being siad, the true equality in any situation is to understand ALL people that surround you . It does not depend on thier geographical or thier religious stand point, or sexual.

to them it does.

in the Christian world view, gay men are not treating men properly---there is a divine order which they are breaking. In the Muslim world view, women also have a proper place, just as the child has a proper place in submission to the parents. Humanistic equality would defy the way God himself determined people should behave. In a sane world view these are utterly baseless bigotries...but what matters is that to them they are distributing justice, they just happen to disagree with our premises for what that is.

you can't exclude discussion of religion if you wish to condemn 'the muslim world' of doing something wrong. They presume their premises are right too, and our equality is injustice. we get no where just accusing them of things.
its one of the strongest instincts known to mankind to care about their own.... duh !

their own offspring? family? extended family? tribe? nation?

...or their own visually similar in racial traits people wherever they are on the entire planet?

it aint the latter, duh:dopey:
sorry i think i missunderstood your post.:erk: If you were talking about a long relationship being severed , the i was refering to the fact that most people would start another one at some point.

thats what I thought you most likely meant but just couldnt tell for sure. Yes, you are right but often with much more reserve
Perhaps a clarification of terms is in order. By witty, do you mean sarcastic? Sarcasm is always seen as witty when directed at others, but if you're dating someone and they direct that at you, well, then, that's not so funny anymore.

DO NOT CHANGE MY WORDS ! If you do not have your own or entered into a brotherhood or kinship this is your weakness, do not be so presumptious to declare ANY statement of mine need correcting.

Has the time come for us to disrespoect each other ?
DO NOT CHANGE MY WORDS ! If you do not have your own or entered into a brotherhood or kinship this is your weakness, do not be so presumptious to declare ANY statement of mine need correcting.

Has the time come for us to disrespoect each other ?


Fine. All human beings feel an instinct to look out for their own person. They feel no "instinct" to help others; only an intimation that if they do not, they will feel guilt, remorse, or even possibly suffer penance for what they've done. When you speak of instincts, you speak of the animal side of man. The only thing that separates us from animals is that we, human beings, suffer a conscience and inner turmoil regarding morals and such. We are aware of ourselves, whereas animals do not actively think about the future or the past. They act only on instincts. Therefore, if you're talking about instincts, it makes no sense to say that human beings feel an "instinct" to help others. If a certain member of an animal herd is wounded, the animals do not stay behind to help it. They have no instinct to help the animal whatsoever. Humans would only help because we would feel conscientious of our actions. So, your statement is false.
Oh horseshit, no one said one will not look out for #1... what you fail to navigate is that #1 has a family, perhaps #1 has a kingdom, perhaps #1 marches into battle with his brothers. All shit far older than your obsession with whats wrong with the bible. Your obsession to pretend words never existed or how they came to be. For fucks sakes man get a grip, many a female bear and wolf has taken the fall protecting their young, standing their pack territory, you name it. Youve become obsessed with denial, blinded by your hatred for the evolution of mankinds social functions and standards, you dont have no magic wand and you nor anyone else change or erase thousands of years of culture and natural instincts. Just so we can start back at year ONE and evolve and go through the learning curve for thousands of years to get back to the same exact place we are today.
Animals adopt their young, they protect their young... yes you are correct animals believe in live and let die, they understand sickness, weakness but they stand strong in numbers and look out for their tribe. They just dont have mammzy pammzy liberal minivan moms running to the town court, zoning board and writing the senator all the time cause they need something to bitch or cry about. In fact thats kind of interesting...
Though #1 may have other interests, his own is that which no other interest conflicts with unless he is foolish. To an extent, altruism is instinctive in that it was a trait which was encouraged by natural selection.

However, just because it occurs in nature does not mean it is relevant in human societies much less industrialized societies.

If you do not have your own or entered into a brotherhood or kinship this is your weakness
If one do not have one's own or has not entered into a brotherhood or kinship this is one's strength. I do not bind myself by oaths that may one day bite me in the ass.