Do Men Dislike Wit in a Woman?

Oh horseshit, no one said one will not look out for #1... what you fail to navigate is that #1 has a family, perhaps #1 has a kingdom, perhaps #1 marches into battle with his brothers. All shit far older than your obsession with whats wrong with the bible. Your obsession to pretend words never existed or how they came to be. For fucks sakes man get a grip, many a female bear and wolf has taken the fall protecting their young, standing their pack territory, you name it. Youve become obsessed with denial, blinded by your hatred for the evolution of mankinds social functions and standards, you dont have no magic wand and you nor anyone else change or erase thousands of years of culture and natural instincts. Just so we can start back at year ONE and evolve and go through the learning curve for thousands of years to get back to the same exact place we are today.

The Bible is by no means the universal doctrine on morality. A man doesn't have to be a Christian to have a moral compass. It's pretty narrow-minded to believe that morals only came about after Christianity. Morals can be dictated and interpreted by any belief system that preaches some kind of higher order. As far as animals and their young are concerned, that is instinctual as well. Animals feel no emotional attachment whatsoever to their young; they consider only their bloodline and perseverance. It's a battle for supremacy. Human beings feel the same thing, except that our instincts are also clouded by moral judgment (however, I don't believe I know anyone who would knowingly sacrifice his/her own child for safety; I'm sure such a person exists though). And I'm blinded by hatred? Obsessed with denial? I'm a skeptic. I question. I seek knowledge. And I see no other reason for mankind's desire to help its own other than the possibility of unwanted consequences, remorse, or the ability to raise their own self-worth. So please contain your unwarranted, unrestrained, unnecessary outbursts, for my sake. I find them frustrating and annoying.

Animals adopt their young, they protect their young... yes you are correct animals believe in live and let die, they understand sickness, weakness but they stand strong in numbers and look out for their tribe. They just dont have mammzy pammzy liberal minivan moms running to the town court, zoning board and writing the senator all the time cause they need something to bitch or cry about. In fact thats kind of interesting...

They look out for their tribe because animals know that they are stronger as a group. It has nothing to do with saving their own kin, but rather increasing the odds of their own survival. Animals feel no emotional attachment to others in their tribe or herd. They do stand strong in numbers; but this only serves each individual's purpose. They have a better chance of fighting off a predator, or fleeing from a predatory pack and escaping. You think when lions attack zebras, the zebras stick around to help their unfortunate "kinsman?" :cool:

And I already stated animals instinctually care for their young as well. Some species don't even do this. Some species of shark actually try to devour their young immediately after birth.
I had no OUTBURST Mr until you decided to play games with my words. You just went off on the bible again, only proving my point. When in fact my post said "all shit far older than your obsession with whats wrong with the bible" I sure you dont understand this due to how I wrote it but I was saying man has been this way long before the bible and all its problems which is the item of your obsessed hatred and discomfort that man had the audacity to develope morals, compassion and social responsibility.

Everyone seeks knowledge and answers but it seems your quest is for a way to justify returning to the primitive or a way to make it OK to be a theiving criminal or justify such actions as say the EMRON scam and so many others, perhaps justify such things as slavery, work camps, sweat shops, child labor.

Now today you say, well there would still be morals without the bible but less that two weeks ago I was bashed non stop for days for suggesting that morals had evolved with mankind through lessons learned and not solely the responsiubility of the bible and would have come to be anyhow. It in fact was in a topic started by you, yet at that time if suited you to be in agreement with the one bashing me. Now today you post "It's pretty narrow-minded to believe that morals only came about after Christianity."

I can be flown through the twilight non stop but I will never loose focus.
Oh horseshit, no one said one will not look out for #1... what you fail to navigate is that #1 has a family, perhaps #1 has a kingdom, perhaps #1 marches into battle with his brothers. All shit far older than your obsession with whats wrong with the bible.

As I understand this, you're implying that because mankind did these things before the Bible it means they're instinctual actions. I posit that that is incorrect, because other mythologies and cultures were in existence before Christianity spread that believed in moral right and wrong as well. If I've interpreted this wrong, I apologize. If I haven't, then it only goes to support my point.

And I remember our argument in the other thread. As far as I can recall, I never said that morals didn't exist before Christianity. They've existed as long as there's been the belief of a higher order of things (not necessarily Christianity). That's all I'm saying here.

And lastly, you're losing focus already by avoiding my argument and instead focusing on my accusation of your outburst. If it helps, I apologize for changing your words. I didn't know it would make you fly off the handle.
Now today you say, well there would still be morals without the bible but less that two weeks ago I was bashed non stop for days for suggesting that morals had evolved with mankind through lessons learned and not solely the responsiubility of the bible and would have come to be anyhow.

Your method of expression was the prime focus, not that which was actually expressed.

I don't see that you two really disagree... in looking out for myself, by extension I am forced to look out for that which I care about. Just depends where you want to draw the line of motivating factors I think.
The argument began over human instincts. I disagreed that it was instinctual for human beings to help others, whereas razoredge said it is one of the strongest human instincts. I think we feel a desire to or at least contemplate helping others, but this is because of our moral compasses. We feel no animal instinct to help others. On the contrary, we feel an instinct to save ourselves. It's the notion to do the "right thing" that forces us to question our instincts.
Interesting. The studies are ultimately inconclusive though. I still feel that instinctually animals feel no urge to help others. Furthermore, I think this line from that article sums up my belief nicely:

"Animals don't know much about genetic kinship or future return favours," de Waal says, arguing that altruism could still be a self-serving trait, helping to win the "altruist" a good reputation and higher status.

Also, in this situation I believe that altruism is encouraged among the apes so that it is more learned than natural. One of the primatologists stated that this study starkly contrasts with earlier experiments.
The thing is if you chase this back to why I made the comment about man looking out for his own. It was due to the fact that one person mentioned concern about a particular bloodline of human becoming thinned. Then the forum needler felt the need to make that person feel retarded for caring about her own race, as well as his typical anti white retoric. At which point I offered up the obvious and left the racial, breeding, bloodline thing out of it and walked away.... that was weeks ago. Then it had to be drug back up and corrected and there I was, another retarded moron that needed calling out........ for whatever fucking reason.

As far as your outlook jarman, that has got to suck. For the life of me I cant figure out what it is that bothers you so much about caring about others that you need to continously return to the fact that we fell victim to this horrible weakness out of guilt and fear of some higher power. That you feel had all that never occured we would be so much better, I just cant imagine being that barron inside as to focus ones primary energy into the loathing`of perhaps mankinds best asset.

I cant go back to the time when mankind became less "chimplike" and when he decided there was higher power or when he found compasion, honor, dignity.... I cant know if it evolved with man as all these other traits that evolved with him, or if he was just some worthless piece of shit right up until the time he suddenly became fearful of the heavens... I dont know and neither do you. So until there is some big enlightenment in my brain I will happily live out the rest of my life knowing that I care about my Anglo Saxon Celtic Roman heritage and race, that I would move "heaven and hell" for my family and friends, and that I feel it is an instinct to feel as I do, and I will reserve my loathing for important matters.

I will not question when one of my buddies calls me up and needs help, why I drop what Im doing to go stand by his side. I will not question why when my former girlfriends brother died I stopped what I was doing and went to her side, I will not question the overwhelming wave of awareness that ran from my toes to the rootes of my hair the day I first held my baby daughter in my arms. I will not question the emotion and action that ran through my entire self when one of my closest friend and comrades wife called me up at 11:00 at night to say he had not returned home from work on the mountain and it had been pouring for hours. I live my life totally resolved in these matters and the only higher power I ever felt in these and many other examples was that which lived in me.

I honestly pity the barron robot like person who desires the absence of these emotions and favors the emotion of loathing emotions very existence.
I never said I "loathe" emotions. I never said I don't act on emotions. I never disagreed with or discouraged people who do act on emotions and morality. I also never called you a "retarded moron." I never tried to "call you out." You said something, and I disagreed with it. I have a right to say what I believe. And all I said was that human beings feel no instinct to help others. We feel a moral obligation to; we believe it's right. But the first instinct of human beings in a desperate or emotionally unstable situation is always of their own safety/well-being, even if it is too fleeting to realize. I don't disagree that a father would run blindly and unrequitedly to rescue his child from some danger; but the mind calculates odds and dangers at an amazing rate, especially when adrenaline is high. The notion that he is in danger crosses his mind, even if only for the tiniest fraction of a second.

I don't condone acting without emotions. What frustrates me is when people continuously act blindly on emotions without thinking critically or logically. In many cases, people who act this way put more people at risk than they initially intended (which was hopefully no one). This is all I'm trying to say. I don't want you to question the way you are always there for your friends. I applaud you, and don't mean to insinuate that you're somehow flawed in how you act. This argument began about instincts. All I'm saying is that there is no immediate human instinct to help others. We must overcome natural instincts towards our own safety/well-being in order to help others.
I honestly pity the barron robot like person who desires the absence of these emotions and favors the emotion of loathing emotions very existence.

Being a trader, emotions often get the best of one's self and the best among us are able to repress them and make cold, calculating decisions no matter how volatile the markets are. That said, often emotions get the best of us; it is foolish to desire their absence, but wise to desire their control and effective negligence. They serve a purpose, heck, greed drives the economy and for that I am grateful, but the following illustrates the necessity of proper control of one's emotions
Havamal 23 said:
The unwise man is awake all night,
and ponders everything over;
when morning comes he is weary in mind,
and all is a burden as ever.
In this case, to wish fear be gone would be foolish, as it is a message: 'something is not right, caution is warranted', but one must ignore it instead and simply act logically on its cue.

The exception is love. Love is a farce, the leakage of lust from the id to the ego; best it be ignored.
OK, Einherjar, with much of this I will agree, you fell victim to the continued pounding I took a few weeks back. I do still feel we developed compassion into an instinct but more so when we bond tightly with our small handful of brothers/kin. I think this evolved with us and is an instinct. Maybe you will feel it one day. Say your out with your buddies and some unknown is treating one of your friend badly and you snap faster than you thought you were capable of, it does happen, fortuantly not often but I've seen my friends do it and have a few times myself. No thought involved.

Ciper - all love is not a farce especially that of family and friends, when I say friends I mean friends not friendly aquantences, I really do have "brothers in arms" I would stand to all kinds of pain, they are few but its real and this came later in life, after all those tests of time and tribulations showed true colors. Yes that special love with a woman or visa versa can get bewildering and I myself have come to "not believe in love" though I have felt it and even today after the sore edges wore off from external interferences or change I still love them all for what was good. Reservation is great but i'd never want to lock myself all up inside forever... though I have been there, its not all its cracked up to be. I even treasure some of my mistakes. It is possible to proudly carry ones scars.
OK, Einherjar, with much of this I will agree, you fell victim to the continued pounding I took a few weeks back. I do still feel we developed compassion into an instinct but more so when we bond tightly with our small handful of brothers/kin. I think this evolved with us and is an instinct. Maybe you will feel it one day. Say your out with your buddies and some unknown is treating one of your friend badly and you snap faster than you thought you were capable of, it does happen, fortuantly not often but I've seen my friends do it and have a few times myself. No thought involved.

Indeed, I have as well. During a study abroad program in England a student from the Netherlands (I believe) insulted one of the students in the group I had befriended for being German. He said something along the lines of "We all loved what Germany did from 1939 to 1945." Of course, my comrades and I all stood up and stared the guy down. He was a bit drunk (we were in a bar), and our friend only shook his head, indicating to us that he didn't want to cause trouble. We could tell the drunk guy's friends were embarassed too.

You believe what you want man, that's every person's individual right. :cool: I'm sorry for any disrespect my words might have insinuated. I didn't mean any. I can at least say now that from this argument, as well as a few before, I know where you stand. And I don't want to come off as a cold motherfucker. I actually do have friends :cool:. I don't think any person could have friends without sympathizing and creating bonds of affection. I only question the source of these bonds, sometimes.
well I could fuck everything up for the text book philosophers and say they come from the soul... lol
I don't dislike a woman being funny, but I think women dislike being funny.