WOMAN!: if there's 1 for the men, there's gotta be 1 for women

^ :D isnt he thoue u should see the rest His Pix theres eveb a few with No shirt and he has tats ::drolls:: He is a guy called Dukeforreal and he is from myspace :)
Raistlin Majere said:
lucky? i regard myself as the unluckiest of all. eugh.

:( sorry what i meant By that was for the Looks of ur ex But if he was an asshole Im sure u were happy to be over with that guy. But just wanted to clear Up what i meant By the Luckey Coment :o )

mightve been posted before, but wtf, feast your eyes ladies, on Antti from Turisas!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: