WOMAN: The Thread for Naughty Ladies\m/

Morrigu20 said:
Not at all, although I'm all for the shaving. Some guy who looks like Chewbacca isn't getting anywhere near me.

Only metrosexuals shave...and we all know 'metro' sounds a lot like 'hetero', when actually it is just a synonym for 'latent homosexuality'.
If you can grow chesthair (and definatley pubic hair) you must. Never ever shave your pubic hair. Maybe if you play in porn, but even then it's fucking gay.
Morrigu20 said:
Not at all, although I'm all for the shaving. Some guy who looks like Chewbacca isn't getting anywhere near me.

You're probably a lesbian, but you don't know about it yet...
Ralf said:

This picture needed a bump... :p
Ocean.Soul said:
am i the only chick that thinks that super-muscular-shaved guys aren't that awesome?

I have to agree with you, at least with the super-muskular thing. A little muscels can be nice but mostly I prefer skinny guys. Shaving is a good thing though, as long as it doesn't involve the head
Heavenscent said:
Only metrosexuals shave...and we all know 'metro' sounds a lot like 'hetero', when actually it is just a synonym for 'latent homosexuality'.
If you can grow chesthair (and definatley pubic hair) you must. Never ever shave your pubic hair. Maybe if you play in porn, but even then it's fucking gay.

Hmm. . . a nice, clean shaven metrosexual fresh out of the shower or some nasty, non-bathing furball with skid marks in his shorts, I wonder which one is more attractive to the average chick? :Smug:
yeah, i mean i dont care about how the person looks cuz thats changes you know, hairy or not, muscular or not, the person is what really matters...and long hair and good musical taste of course *grins*
I have to admit, I care about looks.

drakkar_anni said:
Ahhhh, all you males broke this thread and it has SUCH potential, so I'm gonna use for the good it was intended to do.





FUCKING aye. <3

This is about the only post in this thread that I can somewhat agree with. I NEED MORE PICTURES LIKE THESE, BUT BETTER. Thank you!!
(Yeah yeah, I'll post something too later)
Morrigu20 said:
Hmm. . . a nice, clean shaven metrosexual fresh out of the shower or some nasty, non-bathing furball with skid marks in his shorts, I wonder which one is more attractive to the average chick? :Smug:

I shower at least once a day and never have skidmarks. I just have some body hair; my point was the shaving, not the bathing. AND I'M NOT FAT!!!

Our pc got fucked and the substitude doesn't have a flashcard in and i can't find no goddamn cable. But once i can, i will, trust me.

You will wish you wouldn't have said that :lol:
Heavenscent said:
I shower at least once a day and never have skidmarks. I just have some body hair; my point was the shaving, not the bathing. AND I'M NOT FAT!!!


I was simply making a point, and I never said you specifically were fat, didnt bathe, or left skidmarks, I was generalizing. My point was that I would prefer a guy like this: http://www.5iveusa.com/Pix/AbsEgypt2.jpg I know he's a (former) popstar but if you mute the T.V. when he comes on it's quite enjoyable for the ladies. :blush:
leprosy said:

Johnny Depp is gorgeous! He just looked so terrible and CREEPY as Willy Wonka that it was hard to remember that he played Cpt. Jack Sparrow in Pirates of the Carribean! ;)