Women Talk

TheSomberlain said:
Why choose one position? It all depends on the mood really. Hard to choose one from all those great ones :p
true, i like them all, because it means in getting some action, and thats ALWAYS a good thing
I think I know what is meant with the forced thing...my ex had that too, very much + the mood, but hey, she was almost in the mood all the time....she has been my only regular girlfriend up to now (i'm 19)...we went out like 1,5 years ...me 16-18
and she is the only one I ever had sex with, so I'm not experienced when it comes too girls in general...but i'm very experienced when it comes to her...man, did we get down a lot! I really miss that being single....
Thanatopsis said:
^is 14 and speaking from experience

no way man! i'm still pure thank you very much, lol. it's common sense, since everything is different, you're gonna get a different result from everything. never the same one. whether it be the way you react to root beer or real beer, or the way you react to your mattress moves.
I like all different positions..depending on the mood I am in, as others have said .......but I do love being on top...as I am the one in control! :loco:
Heavenscent said:
I think I know what is meant with the forced thing...my ex had that too, very much + the mood, but hey, she was almost in the mood all the time....she has been my only regular girlfriend up to now (i'm 19)...we went out like 1,5 years ...me 16-18
and she is the only one I ever had sex with, so I'm not experienced when it comes too girls in general...but i'm very experienced when it comes to her...man, did we get down a lot! I really miss that being single....
Yes, with the right partner I am always in the mood too :p As far as I remember, I never used the 'headache' excuse ;)

Btw new question: pretending orgasm; usual or smthing that you only have to do rarely?
In the past it was very usual for me (dewd, guys are sooo naive :D ), fortunately not anymore :oops:
please elaborate. . .:p

Well for some, mood is like candlit dinners and all that nice stuff. For me mood is booze, old metal, and stuff along those lines. :D The usual crap, ya know.

And yeah, i admit to having faked before in the past. Didnt have to terribly often but times came up, mainly when i was younger.

As for the headache excuse....sex releases endorphins that KILL pain typically. Thus, sex HELPS headaches supposedly. Thus, the headache excuse is rendered null and void :D
see i cant let a girl do that. . i have to do my duty. . :p i cant leave a woman unsatisfied. . . its just not right.

its strange, but the point of sex (from a sensational point) is for the guy to make a girl orgasm as many times as he can, while not orgasming himself (at least for a little while). Strange. . .
_Zsuzsa_ said:
Btw new question: pretending orgasm; usual or smthing that you only have to do rarely?
In the past it was very usual for me (dewd, guys are sooo naive :D ), fortunately not anymore :oops:
I used to do that with my old boyfriends, but I can honestly say that I've never done that with my hubby, there's no need to :D We've been together for almost 11 years now and we're still very active, he knows how to give me an orgasm and I know a "few" ways to get it myself if he fails (which doesn't happen very often) ;)
Tut Ankh Amon said:
unless she could fake involuntary convultions :lol: :p
i was gonna say that. shaking legs and arching backs are a pretty clear sign you are doing things right. .