Wondering....what is DT's stance on file sharing?

The Antihero

Ninja Evasion Specialist
Feb 11, 2007
My apologies if this is a taboo subject. If so feel free to delete thread and/or admonish me for my ignorance.

Just wondering what the band's thoughts on file sharing are (torrents, kazaa, etc). See, I can't seem to really form an opinion one way or another. I recognize the power it has to get your art out there in the public, but at the same time I know it must to irksome to know there are people out there "stealing" your material.

The RIAA and the record labels (well, the big ones anyway) I see as loathsome at best. At worst, terms like "evil", "greedy", "corrupt", and just plain old "stupid" come to mind. I have no sympathy for the dying record industry. What I am concerned about is the artists themselves.

Just as an aside:

When "Fiction" was about to come out I was basically marking down the days. The big day came, I went to the record store, and not a copy to be found. Shipping delay.

I couldn't take it anymore. I went home, jumped on a torrent server and downloaded the album. I felt so bad about it, that when the Fiction CD's finally came in I bought 3 copies. :lol:
I'm sure this must have been asked in some interview or other. If I remember correctly it didn't stray much from this: It's illegal so it shouldn't be done / It can help lesser known artists increase their popularity / In some cases it might affect record sales.
I usually download stuff I can't imagine myself paying for and actually owning. Like James Blunt or Avril Lavigne... or Maroon 5... or gay zoophilic porn...

DT download music too:p we are all the same.

Yeah, I think that was the way they heard Fiction for the first time :saint:
I just recently got rid of all my downloaded MP3 and only have "legal"
ones on my comp/anywhere now.

It's not that I felt guilty or anything, it's not like the artist is losing any
money when people download the stuff, cos in most cases they wouldn't
pay for it anyway, they'd rather be without it.

This is the reason I can pirate anything with a clear conscience, if I don't,
I wouldn't pay for the shit anyway, this is especially true for movies and
programs (which most you can get a open source version if you bother
looking). They can claim all the lost revenue they want, it's all BS anyway.
I d rather send 20 euros for Character (which i ordered by Amazon saving a lot of money) to Gothenburg through Western Union to Mikael himself then paying it in a shop.

- Shopkeepers's VERY happy
- Label's happy
- Band see one dime

i dont live to make shopkeepers and labels happy.
When I saw DT last year Mikael asked the crowd if we heard the new album yet? (this was before the album came out) and some peopled screamed out "yeah!!!" He then proceeded to call us "pirating bastards" and played a song from the album. I don't think he cares too much about d/ling albums considering he does it himself.
I think its stealing, I've never done it, never will
I'm sure if Dark Tranquillity were ok with it,
it would be possible to download their music on dt.com
the moderators did not permit the downloading of music on this very forum

someday/someway/somehow /someone is going to steal from you in the future
maybe then you'll understand how it feels
Tell me, how is it stealing?
Can you steal air too?

AFAIK air was not written, recorded, mastered and produced in a specific environment, by specific people (usually known as "artists").

Their music is copyrighted (the finished product is at least) and thus obtaining without payment this music is stealing.

Nowadays bands will see very little of the actual profit of the sale of their cds...all the money is being sucked in by labels and such. However, simply because some random corporation is corrupt is not a good reason for me to act illegally. I'll pay the friggin bill and if I find it too expensive, I won't buy.

If everyone instead of pirating would do massive boycott, labels would have no choice at all but reduce prices and thus albums would cost less, more people would buy them and all would be right. Except for the band, who still gets fucked by the label.
i dont remember quite well but i think i read somewhere that they have mp3...they prefer it that way... maybe legal maybe not
but seriously man..i dont consider it stealing ...i download music i cannot buy here in mexico music industry is so fuckin expensive!
i love buying cds and dvds but i cant help downloading.....still i prefer it original and nice physical cds :D

and one thing is to download for yourself...and another quite different and ilegal is to download so u can make money out of it.
i dont think downloading for yourself a few albums is piracy....but if u download and make a thousand copies so you can go on the street and sell ............piracy PIRACYYYYY
but if u download and make a thousand copies so you can go on the street and sell ............piracy PIRACYYYYY
Good point.

I have no problem in buying as long as it's available. However, for the first time ever here, since two or three months, I found Haven and Fiction in stores (actually, it's just one store selling them), and I still have no idea why Haven, it should be Character or at least Damage Done. Anyway, each CD costs 14 JD which is equivalent to around $20 US, fair enough being the first time I'd say.
I have another thing: I have entire discography on physical discs, but not as MP3s on my current rig (had it copied on older computers, didn't transfer).

So instead of looking fo a CD to re-rip the files, I just go online and download it.

Go me.

Downloading music is like trying on clothes in a store.


I like stealing. I like it illegal.

Yeah, it gives me a buzz to hit that download button, some people
are into extreme (moron) sports, I'm into downloading stuff.
The rrrrrrruussh, the rrrrruuusshh :loco:

Actually found a real good comment on digg.com about this stuff,
it's in a Pirate Bay related news article, see here:

Travisx2 said:
Content Pirates and the Pirate bay are like real pirates...
If real pirates came along side your ship, snapped some pictures of your women and treasure,
and audio recordings of your engines, then left you alone.
i believe they're fine with it, of course there might be different opinions inside the band.
niklas' stance can be read in this interview he did for laethora:

i recall another interview, also for laethora, where he says he doesn't own many cds, and that he has everything in Mp3 format (of course, this means nothing cause there are legal ways to own mp3)