"Woods 3" Thread at Royal Carnage

David Gold

Son of the Darkest Blues
Feb 20, 2004
No hometown, Ontario.
Thanks for the good comments and fair criticism. I accept! I agree that the album is long, but it didn't make any sense to us to cut any of the songs. We recorded everything we wrote and you got everything that we recorded. Of course some songs always turn out better than others, but I am really happy with the results of all the ones that turned our great! Of course, I have my own criticisms. "Mistakes Artists Make" is an underlying theme of this whole album. We acknowledge that we are by no means a cocky band claiming perfection on everything we do, but instead an indy band trying to do our thing on a very down to earth and humbling level, purging the last of those original inspirations (songs, riffs, lyrics) and figuring out who and what we really are based on what we think works and what doesn't. Sometimes you don't choose the song, the song chooses you, and you have to give it your damnedest to try to do it justice, record and release it so you can leave it behind and move on. "Expression" has always been more important than "perfection" on WoY albums. We do the best with what we have to work with, but in the end we want the song to come out and be heard, regardless of how it turned out. Having it all out there complete with a few flaws is still better than having a few whole chapters missing. I also believe that it is better to release all that you have because even the lesser songs have their moments that could influence and inspire someone to do something of their own (I could go on and on about this shit, haha, but this is how I think of the big picture here). Lastly, tying 15 songs together into one story/album is a hell of a challenge. Again, I'm proud of what we did. My advice is to take what you like from it. If you end up liking 7, 8, 9, 10 songs of 15, I hope you feel that you got your money's worth. In our position, we've never really had the luxury of time to hum and haw over too many details. Up until now, it has always been, write, rehearse, hope for the best and let 'er rip, record and release as it came out. It is what it is. Of course it's painful when despite your best efforts, a song you've chosen to release doesn't live up to your expectations nor those of the listeners, but those are the risks we have the liberty of taking as an indy band where the only people's money and reputation we risk is our own. Basically, when you make an observation of something that you find blatantly obvious, don't you think that we've noticed it, too? In the end, this whole last five years and three albums of WoY has only made us better. We still have everything to gain and very little to lose. "Woods 3" was the end of the raw / grim / indy / experimenting stage of WOODS OF YPRES. We have already begun writing "Woods 4" with a clean slate, some clearer objectivity and a new focus in a more professional direction. We are evolving while we solidify at the same time, with a greater sense of identity than we've ever had. They very, very, very worst is easily, definitely and unmistakably behind us. The best is yet to come!

All in all, thanks for listening! I hate the hate but I still love this shit!

DG - w/

+ btw...


Link to entire thread here:
It's interesting. . . The songs people have been liking & disliking seem to differ from person to person. I'm sure some of my favourite songs on Woods III are not at all interesting to some other listeners. There is no way of telling what others will think, so it really is best just to put out everything let people decide for themselves.

Also, I must add that as songs moved through the recording and writing process, a couple of my least favourites have turned into what I think are the best pieces on the album.
I can't pick favourites...though I think it's obvious that some of the proudest WoY songs of all time have to be "Northern Cold", "Ontario Town" and "Distractions...".

btw - Here's a fresh comment off our myspace:

woods III is one of the most incredible things ive ever heard.

The people who get it, really dig it!!!
It is really difficult to choose favourites because I love certain parts of each song, but after giving this some thought I am going to say that my favourites are: Thrill of the struggle, Mistakes artists make, and December in Windsor.

As for the song I am most proud of, it would be Distractions of Living alone.
I think "Northern Cold" & "Ontario Town..." are merely the best tracks in the short term. Obviously they contain the catchiest hooks of the 15 offerings on the disc. However, after repeated spins I'm starting to find myself drowning in the latent melodies that inconspicuously lull in the back drop of the sonic canvas that is Woods III. "Darkest Blues: The Relief that Nothing Can be Done" and "End of Tradition" are two tracks in particular that have piqued my interest, and have provided me with the inspiration to dig deeper through the pages of this story and attempt to put the pieces together.

Bravo to all the band members involved.