WOODS OF YPRES Documentary Tour Video(s) \w/

David Gold

Son of the Darkest Blues
Feb 20, 2004
No hometown, Ontario.
Damn, I wish I had a vid-cam this whole time! Actually, maybe it's best that I didn't. :) ...But it sure was nice having one this time around while on tour last week (or whenever it was...).

So we shot video at every (what seemed like a good) opportunity. We got footage from all the shows we did, except for Windsor @ The Coach, which was the last day of tour...that just means we have to film our live DVD there. :)

I've been watching through all the clips, finding some seriously awesome and crushing moments on stage as well as some hilarious moments that I totally forgot even happened. It's high on my extra long 'to-do' list these days to get all the highlights edited down to a little documentary style movie of our trip, but then what the hell do I do with it? I could post some edited versions on Youtube etc... or the whole doc in parts...but I'm wanting to think just a little BIGGER!!! Suggestions?

One of the main challenges on tour was getting someone to watch the merch table while we were on stage and then getting ANOTHER person to film our set. Of course I understand that most people at shows just want to drink beer and enjoy the show, so I see these "Aw, shit! DG is bringing that camera over here..." looks when approaching people to try to get them to film out set, so that someone does and it actually gets done. Sometimes we even have to give away free merch to convince someone to hold the camera for 40 mins so that we have the show on video, to reflect on forever. I will always film other band's shows when asked, because I know what it's like. I even volunteer. IMO - it's super important that bands make the effort to get these things done and capture these moments on tape. It does become understandably hard to do sometimes. So FYI, we're always looking for volunteers!

Some nights we got nice, steady footage of the whole band that followed the music ever so nicely, capturing whole songs in single clips, which are then easily uploadable anywhere, and satisfying/worthwhile to watch. Some nights we got shaky, nearly unusable video, the back of people's heads out of focus, songs cut into multiple little clips, etc... We are fortunate however for everyone who agreed to help (or who was coaxed/guilted into it somehow)...cuz shit, we honestly have enough to be thinking about when getting ready to perform, and we simply can't be everywhere at once! Thus is the way when you are 6 to a band and 0 crew.

We had discussed adding a 'roadie' to a future tour, if the right candidate could be found. That would at least keep the merch table attended to, but what about the filming? Ideally, it would be awesome to find an ambitious, artsy aspiring, young music filmmaker type to accompany us on the road next time to take photos and shoot live video (live shows and live partying). Then maybe we could consider releasing a DVD type thing like "Woods 2: Pursuit of the Sun & Allure of the Earth" Live on the Road 2009. Anyone know any of these kinds of film types?

In the meantime, we will continue to offer the collective variety of works from no fewer than 19 different camera-people, + yours truly.

For those wanting a quick fix, see my facebook (or add me: David Gold). I posted at least one live song from almost every city on the tour.

The rest of it is coming soon!!!

Thanks + enjoy!

David Gold. - \w/ :kickass:
If you come to Victoria I'd help film your set. I can't guarantee that it'll be excellent quality but I would try my best. My buddy Lane is in photography school right now and is a damn good photographer so perhaps I could guilt trip/blackmail him into taking a few pics of you guys! Of course that's all in theory because you have to get your asses over to Vic!
