WOODS show @ Dr. Disc - Cancelled, Coach & Horses show still on!

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David Gold

Son of the Darkest Blues
Feb 20, 2004
No hometown, Ontario.
So sorry to anyone who showed up to see us perform at Dr. Disc in Windsor, the afternoon of Sunday November 23rd. Due to reasons beyond our control, we were unable to make it happen. On behalf of myself and the band, we are very sorry if anyone was disappointed. We will try to reschedule this sometime in the future.

If you did show up at Dr. Disc to see us, please send me an e-mail to: woodsofypres@hotmail.com and please include your postal mailing address.

Thank you! :)

The good news: the final show of our nearly 2 week tour, tonight, Sunday November 23rd at the infamous COACH AND HORSES in Windsor, is still on!!!

For those unfamiliar, WOODS was founded in Windsor in 2002, and (if my memory serves me well) has only played two previous shows at the Coach. Tonight will be #3! :kickass:

Hope to see you there! Thanks guys!

David Gold - \w/
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