
Like Sin Explode
May 18, 2007
Hey guys hallo now that its summer and I got plenty of time I want to start working out.I know that some of you in here work out so I wanted to ask you first.I am a beginner and I dont have any equipment.I just have some weights that are really light for me.So it would be really cool If you can help me make up a routine with just my body and not extra equipment.I ll buy of course some weights,but how do I know which ones to buy?Can you plz help me make up a beginners weekly routine with not much equipment included?Also is it poissible to lose some weight with this routine?I am 1.74 and 82 kg :)

Thanks all of you

PS that fucking Bollywood film GAJINI is to blame.The actor in this movie is super,and so as the movie.Check it out
First I'm gonna give you some tips alot of people don't know, but follow them, they will help you:

You will not get a killer six-pack until you get rid of all the fat from your stomach area
You can NOT burn fat from a specific area, your body decides where to keep it, it's not up to the concious you
Running 10 miles a day is not going to make you ripped, it's gonna make you look like a KENYAN! (pun intended - youtube "Powerthirst" for some lulz :))
Lifting weights is NOT gonna make you ripped in a small amount of time. Don't be afraid of the bench, the deadlift or anything like that, they are your friends but take time to work
Gear *will* help ;)
Do more reps and fever sets to increase endurance, do fever reps (4-6) and more sets to gain muscle (what you want, if you wanna look like that guy)
(Reps: how many moves you do without taking a break, sets: how often you do the amount of reps (for ex: 4x8 is doing 8 lifts and then taking a break, and doing that a total of 4 times)
Do your exercises right. Only use the muscles your working on, don't use your back to get the last inch (if you need to do that, lower the weight instead).
Muscle growth is ONLY accomplished when you work it to complete failure (meaning you just can't do any more) Muscle growths comes when the body realizes it can't cope with the task at hand, so you need to absolutely slaughter that motherfucker for the best result (if you just do 2 sets and call it a day, not even feeling sore, you might just as well take a break and not do anything).
Many believe that you get the best results for the least amount of time if you train 3-4x a week for 45-60 minutes at a time (and really PUSH it during that time!)
Weight loss and muscle growth don't really go hand in hand. If you need to do both then do it on different days (one day you run 5 miles and do 30 mins on the ski machine, then next day you do abs, biceps and shoulders... get me?)
Being in a group or working out with a partner or trainer WILL motivate you more than you could imagine. You need discipline of steel if you're going to get into that shape all by yourself, without even going into a gym or getting a training buddy (read: it's impossible)
Split your body into groups for every day. for example: triceps, shoulders and thighs one day, biceps, back and calves the next, then cardio, and then abs, hamstrings and chest. This way you can better work each muscle group to full failure for maximum gain, and rest it the next couple of days.

Hope this helps. I'm sure somebody will disagree with at least one thing I said, but such is the way of body building: everybody has their own way. I just tried to post the "universal rules" that everyone seems to agree on

What can you do on your own, at home:
RUN - Burn off that fat if you have any!
pushups, sit-ups, chin-ups (on the next tree-branch), etc etc:
check this
And This is a great site, has videos of loads of exercises you can do
you should really get a basic set of dumbbells to work out with. 5lb, 10lb, 20lb and maybe 40lb when you get a bit stronger
HAHAHAHA thanks for the funny comments.And also thanks for your great tips VALDIORN and of course the rest of the guys.WTF is the ski machine?And also I understand what you say for example Monday,Wednesday,Friday running and the rest working out with 1-2 days complete rest.And I understand what you say about working in groups every day.But how much time per day should I work out?And how many repetitions?And how much warm up-stretching should I do before each session?Thanks