

New Metal Member
Nov 4, 2004
I know this is kinda dumb question, but im going for it anyway.Me and my friend was talking about making a living out of music.And both of us are in a band playing metal.And both are very into Opeth and we are taking crap jobs because our music dont pay enough money to making a living out of it.And i asked my friend if he knew what the Opeth guys did for living before they got this "big" in the metal scene.And he told me they did part time jobs like other musicans.Does anyone know what kinda jobs they had?? :worship:
Like Decadent said that Mikael worked as pornstar..well i dont think so..
Mikeal was a full time prophet at one point, then he dropped that to become the next beethoven. Because no one listens to classical music anymore he became a porn star and worked in a record shop.
As far as I know, Martin López gives drum lessons in his house, since he has not had a lot of time, I have no idea of what he's doing right now.
Méndez and López were about to do a band (as I have understood, his name was Aerial at the end of 2000)
So Jahn, I think you should ask to López (he usually posts here, one in 5 years...)

\m/ :kickass:


P.S: I saw Mike doing some porn stuff with Ron Jeremy and Sylvia Saint :kickass: