Workout Music Thread

My roommate does low carb, he eats some rice protein which is 20% carb before his workout, and usually just some whole wheat bread at breakfast or lunch. He cut 60lbs since January, and started eating liek shit the past month and half, and is still dropping.
That's probably because his metabolism was slowed down a great deal from eating so little carbs for a long period of time and now that he is eating a shit-tonne of them it has been revved back up. I cycle my carbs from low to high days every 4-5 days, works for me.
Not true. I've gone on cuts and gained muscle and lost fat at the same time using heavy lifting + HIIT. It's called body recomposition, and you can do it with careful dieting at caloric maintenance levels with properly-planned training. Most people would rather go through separate bulking/cutting phases (that's your choice), and I am going through a bulking phase myself right now, but a middle-ground can be achieved; it has to do with nutrient partitioning and maximizing on how much of the food you eat is used for muscle growth/repair and how little is used as fat storage. The same results for me can't be said to have been true (to nearly the same effect at least) with SS cardio.

Sorry I had to :(

Well, actually, a "beginner" will have even more ability to do that. When people in an untrained state begin working out, it is much easier to make strength/mass gains for the first few months or so (otherwise known as n00b gains). Combine that with the fact many beginners are overweight/obese, which means they are naturally more insulin resistant, which means it's easier for them to lose fat than it would be for a 6%-BF 200-lb. 5'9" bodybuilder, who is in a state of extreme insulin sensitivity. So easier strength/mass gains + easier fat loss = body recomposition. But yes, after a while, especially once you're down to normal fat levels, you'll have to choose/focus a path (bulk or cut) for generally more acceptable results.
llllloooong post
A good diet trick, is not eating starches, simple sugars, and bad carbs right before bed.
i do realise this, but i can't say no to cookies and i love making pie :(

That will lead to flat feet, raping of your legs and eventually knee operations.
this sounds less worse than what running in heels will do to my feet/legs :p
Have you ever tried yoga? I do a small routine every few days that will make my obliques (sideabs) feel really worked.
no i haven't, i haven't done any sports in the last 3 years, since i graduated :). what yoga-thingies do you do then? (i'm not flexible :/ )
As the fags said, your most focused area should be diet. As for working out, I'd suggest Complexes and HIIT (google them). As a whole they are much more effective than steady state cardio/running (which I personally hate doing anyway).
i had this HIIT-thing in high school, it was absolute hell :Puke:
i do like jogging, though i haven't done so properly since... erm... can't remember :D. there's a cool semi-deserted running track about a kilometer from where i live :)
keep it heavy enough that you're still within an 8-12 rep range for the most part, like any other muscle in your body.
All you need to do to get a thinner waist is to diet and do cardio. Forget about sit ups or crunches, there is no need for those.

you mean cardio like this? i have one like the lower pictures (without the seat), i thought it did more for leg muscles :/. I love rope skipping though, one 'sport' i'm very good at :blush:
I can tell you I PREFER longer cardio sessions because they are more fun, more challenging and building up my endurance. The same can be said about HIIT, but if you can't even do an hour of cardio you obviously aren't fit enoguh to do HIIT right anyways so it defeats the whole fucking purpose if you're just doing 12 mins.
i have no endurance what so ever, so i should probably build it up :p

It's important to go into a low carb diet slowly. if you go into it slowly you won't even care that you're not having carbs or any delicious food :lol:
this might help, but i'll never last... i simply love my bread and potatoes... i'm better off following a life-long-solely-carb-diet than trying to survive without my precious bread :(
Eve, your abs better look like Georges St-Pierre's after all this. :) lol
LOL, i wonder if imagining doing the excercices makes me lose weight already :lol:, if it does, i should be about 25% there :lol:

thanks for the advice, guys!
now for joe: Destiny's Child - Survivor :lol:
no i haven't, i haven't done any sports in the last 3 years, since i graduated :). what yoga-thingies do you do then? (i'm not flexible :/ )

I dont know what they are called :/


I don't do a chair pose, most shit on the ground, and the crazy one where you are on your back sticking legs up.

I mainly do it to stretch my legs out after a bike ride.
Bike, stretches, some pullups off a tres, pushups, situps off a park bench, and I bike home.

I've been fucking swamped with work/school and have been eating like shit and not exercising and I'm starting to feel it :/