world of shit


Holy shit.
Aug 27, 2002
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Is it really worth being subjective in order to appear politically correct... People are pussies, they gotta take sides and not hide behind kindness and fear of being misunderstood. Music preferences aren't subjective, music quality is objective. Can someone really argue that rap is equal to metal for example? From a musical and quality perspective, rap is clearly inferior.

So what can be said about people who listen to rap? Or make taHt kind of music. Nowadays rap is about materialism and screwing as many whores as you can. What the fuck is so grand about that? Can people who like that kinda shit be justified? And I'm referring to African Americans. What the hell. 98% of young African Americans are too blinded by gold teef and shiny cars to have something useful to offer to us and to the effort at trying to make this world of shit a less stinky place.

Everybody here bashes religion right. Fuck Christians and Jews and Muslims right. So how come people are afraid to say fuck African Americans? Does that make me politically incorrect? I don't give a flying fuck. Am I a racist? Hell no, it's not like I'm judging on the basis of race... Now sure, there are many factors to take into consideration for the African Americans' way of thinking but overall they are shit. Peeeeeeriod. Yeah, there's plenty of older African Americans who still got their brains, but they'll die and the new generation are total dumbasses. The vast majority of those fuckers are garbage, why not just kill them and get it over with. Shallow self-centered motherfuckers, don't give a shit about the world's problems, all they care about is themselves. Yeah, it's rap's fault and if there's gonna be a major genocide, some innocent African Americans will die along with the guilty masses, but hey, war casualties, what can you do...
The stupidity demonstrated in this post is astounding. This HAS to be a troll. No way in hell can you be so fucking retarded.
Originally posted by Guerrilla
So what can be said about people who listen to rap? Or make taHt kind of music. Nowadays rap is about materialism and screwing as many whores as you can. What the fuck is so grand about that? Can people who like that kinda shit be justified? And I'm referring to African Americans. What the hell. 98% of young African Americans are too blinded by gold teef and shiny cars to have something useful to offer to us and to the effort at trying to make this world of shit a less stinky place.

So, you are saying that Van Williams is also a young stupid man?

Originally posted by Guerrilla
Everybody here bashes religion right. Fuck Christians and Jews and Muslims right. So how come people are afraid to say fuck African Americans? Does that make me politically incorrect? I don't give a flying fuck. Am I a racist? Hell no, it's not like I'm judging on the basis of race... Now sure, there are many factors to take into consideration for the African Americans' way of thinking but overall they are shit. Peeeeeeriod. Yeah, there's plenty of older African Americans who still got their brains, but they'll die and the new generation are total dumbasses. The vast majority of those fuckers are garbage, why not just kill them and get it over with.

I bet Warrel, Jim, Jeff, and esp. Van love to hear you say stuff like this on Nevermore's message board. You sir make me sick.
You can't bash an entire culture like that. It's like saying all christians are evil assholes, but it isn't true. Not everyone thinks exactly the same way, you're just bashing stereotypes.
damn that was quick.

I have a friend who is paticularly white, and is more african american than 90% of the morons who call themselves african american. he was born in south africa.
.... and some American Europeans, and native Americans (hello, it was Amerigo Vespucci... )
Guerrillatis, you'll rape and kill the "African American" women, so the half of the problem is solved... hmm, but what about the rest....???

long live Van Williams and Mike Smith. :zzz:

(Jesus, darling, what did you die for.... )
Originally posted by NoLordy Capone
You can't bash an entire culture like that. It's like saying all christians are evil assholes, but it isn't true. Not everyone thinks exactly the same way, you're just bashing stereotypes.

Right, and if you don't make any generalizations whatsoever, you'll end up believing that Hitler was a good person... Be real man, if all 300 million fat women like to shove cucumbers up their asses and there's 10 women among them who don't enjoy that, would I be so wrong to say that fat women enjoy anal cucumber sex?
You're always gonna find an exception no matter what, but if the numbers are so trivial, generalization or not makes no difference...
Anyways, all I'm saying is that when it's time for la revolucion, African Americans will be the first to go, since they can't really understand the concept of working for a common good instead for your own profit. And of course rap, among other things, is to blame for this whole thing.

Oh incidentally, there's a lot of politically and culturally concerned rap with rather intelligent just doesn't get radio or MTV play. Like metal. There's an art form to it; you don't have to like hip-hop to appreciate the fact that some of it takes talent. Making up poetry on the spot is hard.
Generalizations are what got 6 million Jews killed. It's also what causes the US to be the most hated country in the world, just ask France. Even a trivial number is enough to discredit a generalization, because even if it is only one person, it isn't all. I hate being wrong, so if I find that all but one... let's say catholic is devoted to trying to assrape me, I can't say they all are because I'd be wrong, and that leaves a bad taste in my mouth. With as VERY little compassion I have for the human race, and the lack of respect for human life, even I know how generalizations affect everyone.