World of Warcraft (WoW)


I played that game for 3yrs...3yrs of my life I will never get back..I have seen marriages ruined over that game..they dont call it wowcrack for shits and giggles. had a 80 Shaman..80 Hunter...god just talking about it makes the urge come back..
BUT if you want a kick ass online game..Age of Conan
DO NOT PLAY IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have played it from the beginning and i can only say do not play i have wasted so much time with the stupid game........ you will get hook with it and it is very hard to stop playing when you are on it but to be honest it inst that good of a game and it takes to much time of your life... i read that one guy had played 6 months of his life away in a year..... i almost 2.. SO FFS DO NOT PLAY

Instead try play Counterstrike source or the old one that is a great game when you are playing for real when i mean matches and you can just quit when every you want to..
DO NOT PLAY IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have played it from the beginning and i can only say do not play i have wasted so much time with the stupid game........ you will get hook with it and it is very hard to stop playing when you are on it but to be honest it inst that good of a game and it takes to much time of your life... i read that one guy had played 6 months of his life away in a year..... i almost 2.. SO FFS DO NOT PLAY

Instead try play Counterstrike source or the old one that is a great game when you are playing for real when i mean matches and you can just quit when every you want to..

i've played counter stirke over 6 years! age of empires over 10 years! and now i wanna finish wow! getting the game, it's fucking awesome!
i've played counter stirke over 6 years! age of empires over 10 years! and now i wanna finish wow! getting the game, it's fucking awesome!

start you counterstrike again world of warcraft is not worth loosing 3 years of your life!
Shit? naah i am stil loving it played since beta and atm i am play CSS but i like 1.6 better as hitboxes are better :)
It's just a money making machine made for very casual gamers now. No skill, just time required. All that arena bollocks and things like giving Horde paladins they just totally ruined the game.
honestly, not that good a game. Not even the best in it's genre. Made most of it's money off of the popularity of the franchise it already had.

Try the other ones. DAoC, WAR, Everquest 2, AoC or go space and do EVE online.
aaaaaaaaaarg I hate wow every few months I resurrect my account then after a couple of hours I remember why I stopped paying and playing...these days I'm near the end of another binge and I'm using the time I have left mainly to socialize(is that upposed to be socialize or socialise? goddam american english fucking up my thinking), and by that I mean getting a hold of my friends who are too addicted to answer their phones XD
I played it in 2006 for three months, realized how addicted I was becoming and quit. I already went through MMO addiction with Everquest before WoW came out - not doing that shit again.

I'm addicted to racing simulations, beer, and cigarettes nowadays...don't need another one!
I used to play it. My wife, son and I all used to play together. I won't bash it since I would still enjoy it. But you do need to keep it in check. You can waste a lot of time playing it. I don't really look at my time playing as a waste since it was family time but there are many other family activities we could have been doing that didn't require hours of sitting. I don't recommend it to others any more.

I have gotten so much more done in the time since I quit. My son still plays but when football starts up he will quit for a couple months as well. He can barely lift his arms in the evenings during hellweek.

It is a great game but remember to set limits on your play time. Don't give up real friends for guild friends. And most of all don't let your health slip. Sitting for hours a day when you would otherwise be doing something more active can really hurt your health.

I had to set up rules for myself.

1. No missing the gym for playing wow.
2. No playing wow after 10pm (2200) during the work week.
3. No playing wow after midnight on the weekends.
4. No ordering fast food to free up more time for wow. Meaning my wife and I still fixed dinner instead of ordering subs and pizza delivery.
5. Remember to go and live your real life. See your friends and do the same activities you did before wow.
6. Probably the most important rule is remember it is a game. It's not like you are going to be a better person or have a better life if you win that purple (epic) chest piece. So don't get upset at things in the game and have that negativity spill over into real life.

You may have a totally different personality and have no problems with the game affecting your life. I'm just telling you how it affected me.

To be honest though, if they ever come out with a Wheel of Time MMORPG I will probably jump right back into playing.