world of warcraft

do you play world of warcraft?

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Wolfman Von Jones said:
Well I made a character on Spinebreaker, but Im only a lvl 10 dwarf hunter,and have to say Im enjoying the game emensly. When is everyone on mostly?


All the time :p
Well best chances to see me there are between 5am-5pm server time. what's your name there? i could add you to friends list. I'm mighty Svång!
Wolfman Von Jones said:
Looking forward to it, what level is everyones character? I really hope its not smth like 30+ :p.

well, yeah, our mains are quite high (44, 46, 47 at the moment), but we can always start new characters when we're bored with them. and you can level up to the early 30s quite fast anyway.
The thing is the game is at my brother's house b/c my comp cant run it very well, so I wont have the 'go on anytime I want' advantage, so if someone could give me some tips on gaining levels fast I'd appreciate it (areas, certain enemies, etc).


Edit: If anyone has a low lvl dwarf or gnome to play with me it'd be an added bonus :Spin:
my parents cancelled our monthly payment to the game, which means that if we somehow don't change their minds before january 13, i will no longer be able to play :(

it sucks, i mean, my 12 yr old brother and I might be slightly over interested in the game, but it's nothing serious. Soon my brother will be back to school and I'll start a job, so it's not like we'll have that much time to play anyway...

hopefully at least I'll have bought a mount by then. I guess trying to reach 60 is too ambitious a goal.

anyway, we still have a couple of plans. my brother's starting to play Xbox and playstation obsessively, just to show that the problem isn't the game per se, as there will always be games. oh well.
Hitori said:
anyway, we still have a couple of plans. my brother's starting to play Xbox and playstation obsessively, just to show that the problem isn't the game per se, as there will always be games. oh well.

:lol: :Spin:
Wolfman Von Jones said:
if someone could give me some tips on gaining levels fast I'd appreciate it (areas, certain enemies, etc).

grinding and questing in loch modan should cover levels 12-20 pretty fast. don't bother with instances or quests that seem to require more than one other person to complete: they won't be worth the time in comparison to the xp you'll get. once you're well in your 20s and start questing in the wetlands, farm the murlocs in the west over and over: they drop decent loot and you can rely on many passers-by to help you out if you find yourself in danger. the same would be true for the graveyard north of raven hill in duskwood, but that's a little out of the way.

@hitori: can't you buy a month instead of a mount? keep your account alive until your family is of a more sensible mind. if you don't have access to a credit card, i'll help.
lol, well, no, that's ok, thanks a lot though :p

i have to fight this battle on my own. it's not about the money at any rate, it's about addiction. i think once my parents realize and accept that they have a problem, things will be ok :loco:
rahvin said:
grinding and questing in loch modan should cover levels 12-20 pretty fast. don't bother with instances or quests that seem to require more than one other person to complete: they won't be worth the time in comparison to the xp you'll get. once you're well in your 20s and start questing in the wetlands, farm the murlocs in the west over and over: they drop decent loot and you can rely on many passers-by to help you out if you find yourself in danger. the same would be true for the graveyard north of raven hill in duskwood, but that's a little out of the way.

@hitori: can't you buy a month instead of a mount? keep your account alive until your family is of a more sensible mind. if you don't have access to a credit card, i'll help.

Doing Westfall at the same time as Loch 'Modan is a good thing because the quests lead up to The Deadmines. Ahh.. THE DEADMINES. Sweet memories of the first run through during the open beta.
Tranquillian said:
Doing Westfall at the same time as Loch 'Modan is a good thing because the quests lead up to The Deadmines. Ahh.. THE DEADMINES. Sweet memories of the first run through during the open beta.

yeah, i love instances of all shape and size myself. ;) but for someone with not much time and the desire to level up quickly... i don't know. the deadmines require a full group, and elite mobs are harder for the same amount of experience as non-elite mobs (i think, wouldn't bet on that though).
But an instance gets you superior loot, and quest rewards (including quest XP). And instances are rewarding by themselves. Anyone not doing instances is nerfing their gaming experience.

60 Druid
60 Hunter
47 Warlock
37 Warlock
My characters at the moment (hate being at this crappy comp with no WoW):
Darksorrow (EU): Muutos, 37 Tauren Druid
Chromaggus (EU): Kuulas, 33 Human Rogue & Vicissit, 10 Night Elf Druid
Dunemaul (EU): Kasual, 43 Night Elf Hunter & Clear, 24 Night Elf Druid

Haven't played Kasual since forever, made all the other chars after him :lol:
And mind you, this list doesn't include the about 20 chars I've deleted.

I am waiting for 1.9 to come so I can get my GUI up and running on all of
them. Love the separate addons, keybindings and macros options for all
characters that is coming in 1.9.
I guess I should show a screenie of my latest GUI when I get home, I use
about 30+ addons so it takes a while to configure.

Ugh, I feel the shakes *goes to watch some WoW videos on the laptop* ;)
Salamurhaaja said:
I guess I should show a screenie of my latest GUI when I get home, I use
about 30+ addons so it takes a while to configure.

thanks, that'd be interesting. i dropped the use of most addons since they started messing up with the gameplay too much. at the moment i'm using only some basic quest objective handler, one to compare equipment with new loot, one bag inventory, spell alerts and cooldown counters, and warlock-specific stuff, like shard trackers and pet management mods.
i didn't know about the changes coming in 1.9, despite all that i read about it.