World of Warcraft, anyone?

The Bringer said:

Is that a Euro server? If not, maybe I'll come join you in the new year. :D

I was in Guild Wars beta and it looked really promising. I bought it when it came out and I wasn''t impressed at all because they didn't add anything to the "unfinished" beta! :yuk:

Its North American server. Im now a 15 Human Rogue!
i play GW so much that i need rehab. our guild's name is shadow of the serpent (gay name, but we have cool capes) and we clear the UW and GvG most of the time. but as much as i play GW, i still don't play as much as my boyfriend usto play WOW. thats why i think that WOW is beyond addictive and their needs to be a support group formed for wow addicts or something. it steals your soul...haha. my boyfriend played WOW so much he had to quit it, sold his account on ebay for 600 i think (had a lvl 60 torin w). he was in the sock puppet guild in WOW, they were first on their server to kill some big dragon thing (sorry i can't remember the name).
Tut Ankh Amon said:
that dialogue smells like an european sitcom :p

my guild's called Synister Syndicate. I was invited after the leader saw me dancing naked on a desk, so i said "damn, this is prolly my kind of people" :lol: :p

too bad only 2 or 3 guys are cool there =/

are you on burning blade or Azalgor? cuz i seen that guild before... im force of nature