World of Warcraft, anyone?

The Bringer said:
Ummmm Human?

Nah, he played Undead, because the Undead can do a dance where they play air guitar and bang there head. Hehe, he even told me he was a famous human musician before he became undead.
DoodgeGant said:
Nah, he played Undead, because the Undead can do a dance where they play air guitar and bang there head. Hehe, he even told me he was a famous human musician before he became undead.

:lol: Nice!

I hope it's not too late to get my fun Christmas treat... Then again I won't be logging on till about Jan 9th.
nooo they didnt go up with the halloween treats!

lvl 47 undead rogue on Eredar and a lvl 28 twinked out NE priest that i only use for WSG on FrostWolf. i dont play as often as i used to but when i have the time i still love the game.
Puchased WoW yesterday...
The salesmen warned me, and I see why. Now that I can actually group with people and actually talk in channels, its wicked.

Server is callled Emerald Dream. I may change because its RPG, and the RPG folks are creepy
Tut Ankh Amon said:
i never entered one, those guys must be even creepier than your average addicted MMO player :lol:

think i'm gonna create one now just to see what the freaks are like :lol:

I played on one for fun for a few levels and somebody said that the Barrens reminded him of Africa. Then like 4 or 5 people said "What is this Africa you speak of?"

I got a good laugh out of that.
Tut Ankh Amon said:
:lol: the worst thing is when i wanna do random crazy chatter and no one answers
i feel so lonely outside UM :p

You but you still can't beat the Level 1 female trolls in Orgrimmar selling there arse to you for 20 silver!