World of Warcraft, anyone?

Tut Ankh Amon said:
i just found out you can tame elites the other day :p

and feck, he's a cat, so he's prolly very good.
But i heard there is one on ... wherever, i don't remember :lol: that has an attack rating of ONE.
Too bad he spawns on 3 different locations, and he's higher level than me :p

Broken tooth :P I'm gonna try to tame him when I am lvl 37 (that1s his lvl) ;) Until then, Im happy with my black kitty.
Right now im in Hungary tho, so no playing. That's when you realize that real life sucks so bad. :p
The Bringer said:
Don't we all ;)

Don't go too fast or you'll miss a lot of the game. I had a frind who burnt rubber getting to 60 and now he thinks the game sucks because he didn't take the time to enjoy everything.
yeah u're right but if i go too slow i have to pay more .. 27€ / 2 month:erk: